All Hot beverages articles – Page 55

  • News

    Innovation comes to the boil


    Café culture now happens at home as the nation thirsts for sophisticated variations of tea and coffee. Mick Whitworth goes shopping for decaf, green, roast, fruit, herbal, ethical....We’ve been drinking tea and coffee since the 1600s,...

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    Public must be better educated


    There’s more money in speciality so big hitter Twinings is under pressure from standard brands’ lines and own labelWith volume growth rates as high as 30.8% [green tea, ACNielsen Scantrack June 25, 2005] and higher margins than the...

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    Coffee debut for Novelli


    Jean-Christophe Novelli is exploring further retail channels with the launch this month of a coffee bearing his name.The high-grade restaurant quality espresso and cafetière coffee has been specially created by the French chef.The espresso...

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    Fairtrade bean first hits market


    Cafédirect is tapping into burgeoning consumer thirst for premium, ethically produced hot drinks with the launch of the UK’s first Fairtrade whole coffee bean range.The market leader in Fairtrade hot drinks has developed three products...

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    Kenco’s sustainability debut


    Kraft Foods is launching an instant coffee, called Kenco Sustainable Development, made entirely from beans from certified sustainable sauces.The coffee, which will be available first in Waitrose and then other major UK supermarkets this autumn,...

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    Hurricane aftermath threatens coffee supply


    Approximately 8% of the world’s coffee supply could be destroyed in flooding left by hurricane Katrina which ripped through parts of the US at the weekend.The 96,000 tonne supply is stored in warehouses in New Orleans but is under threat...

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    A healthy dose all in a gulp


    Fruit juices, milk, yoghurt products and tea are being promoted as a healthy, quick and easy breakfastWith health the focus of the breakast fixture as a whole, it’s no surprise that the drinks sector is also addressing the issue, with...

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    Early Days


    >>A look at how a new Tea is performingProduct:twinings everyday teaCompany:twiningsLaunch date:january 2005Speciality tea maker Twinings took a gamble when it decided to launch its first tea for...

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    Old Favourites


    >>A Cuppa that’s stood the test of timeProduct:PG TipsCompany:Unilever Uk FoodsLaunch date:1869Famous as a nation of tea drinkers, the Brits have not been short of brands, or own-label products, to...

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    Cappuccino a hit in a carton


    Coffee-lovers can get a caffeine hit with a new cappuccino product in a carton.It comes in original and creamy varieties and is being brought to the UK by Zappuccino this summer, after a successful launch in Spain.The coffee, which can be...

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    Sencha Green gets camomile line


    Jacksons is adding a camomile version to its green tea range.The company said consumers were increasingly drinking speciality and quality teas on an everyday basis.The Sencha Green Tea range is a blend of Chinese and Indonesian teas, which...

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    Meantime spices up specialist beers


    Meantime microbrewery has reformulated its chocolate and coffee beers and put up the price in order to offer a more premium product.
    Alistair Hook, owner of the London brewery, said that while the original products, which were available…

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    Premier Foods to sell Typhoo?


    Premier Foods has reportedly put its tea brand Typhoo up for sale with a £100m price tag.Weekend reports said Premier has appointed Icelandic investment bank Islandbanki to handle the sale, which has already sparked interest from potential...

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    The Acid Test


    >>consumers and buyers give their views on the latest product launchesProduct: Twinings Iced TeaCompany: TwiningsPrice: 89p per 400ml bottleTwinings’ range of iced teas consists of six...

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    Galaxy promises choc delight


    Galaxy is promising to open up a new sector in the everyday block chocolate category with the launch of Promises, an everyday luxury chocolate.Promises – which comes in four flavours: Roast Hazelnut, Caramel Crunch, Cocoa Crisp and Rich Coffee...

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    Hit or Miss?


    >>How one of 2004's top launches is faringProduct: Tetley Plus tea bagsCompany: TetleyLaunch date: February 2004Tetley last year decided to transform its struggling Tea:Therapy brand into...

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    Working Week


    >>neil mcleod, brand manager, fairtrade coffee supplier cafédirectNeil McLeod is the brand manager at Fairtrade coffee supplier Cafédirect, but his job focus has recently turned from promoting the company’s coffee brands,...

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    >>jacksons storesStore: Jacksons, Broom Valley, Rotherham Number of items: 8Out of stocks: 0Not sold: Kingsmill square cut, Nescafé original 100gPrice paid for 8 products: £8.18With Sainsbury announcing plans...

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    Vox Shop


    >>still plenty of scope for growth in fairtrade coffee… convenience retailers are starting to realise the significance of fair trade…Pat CollierCategory buyer, hot beverages, The Co-operative GroupThere...

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    Radio-active cup of tea with Fry


    Twinings is launching a national radio campaign for its speciality teas with actor Stephen Fry, as it forges ahead with its plan to double its UK business by 2008.Fry, who has been fronting TV commercials for the brand’s first everyday tea,...