Adez is coming on strong
Unilever UK has earmarked £12m to support its first new standalone brand for 12 years.

The three-strong Adez range of fruit juice drinks blended with soya and fortified with vitamins and minerals will hit shelves in the middle of next month.

The products, positioned as helping to maintain a strong body, are targeted primarily at pre-family couples and busy working mothers.

Pot Noodle loses its horn
Unilever UK has binned its familiar risqué marketing approach for its Pot Noodle brand in favour of activity that positions the snack range as the Fuel of Britain.

New TV advertising takes place in a village in South Wales. In stark contrast to the scantily-clad women and oversized musical instruments seen in previous ads, the commercials feature miners at work.

The change of tack comes in the wake of revelations from the Advertising Standards Authority that the brand's 'Have you got the Pot Noodle horn?' featured in its list of the top five most-complained-about adverts.

Vodka coffee smoocher
The café culture craze has spilled into the drinks industry through the launch of an iced cappuccino with a vodka kick.

Aimed primarily at female consumers, Café Kiss from Halewood International is a 5% abv drink priced at £1.59 per can or £4.49 for a pack of three.