Distribution workers are to put the freeze on deliveries to Iceland stores in London and the south east in the run up to Christmas.

Drivers and warehouse staff based at the retailer's depot in Enfield plan a series of strikes after rejecting a pay increase of 2.4%.

Members of the T&G at the DHL Exel-run depot have been angered by Iceland's ability to stump up cash for sponsorship of I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, while refusing to share profits with its workers, said T&G senior regional industrial organiser Pete Kavanagh.

Workers were due to go on a one-day strike yesterday after The Grocer had gone to press. A further 24-hour strike has been arranged for 15 December and a 48-hour strike for 21 December.

Iceland said it was working closely with DHL Exel to minimise impact and maximise availability.