An initiative launched this week by leading wholesalers and wine suppliers aims to give independent retailers the tools to tackle the multiples' stranglehold on the UK wine market. Coordinated by the Federation of Wholesale Distributors and funded by seven leading wine suppliers, the new Blueprint for Wine educational campaign helps small retailers put together a top notch wine fixture based on the latest research into the brands that are driving sales in the UK. Retailers can get hold of a wall chart planogram providing clear and simple guidance as to exactly which wines to stock and where to put them on the shelf by contacting the Wine Blueprint helpline on 0161 434 9125. Specially trained Wine Blueprint merchandisers will visit stores nominated by wholesalers or suppliers and relay their wine fixtures according to the latest merchandising principles. Retailers can request a visit directly by calling the hotline. Point of sale material will also be made available to assist customers making their choices. FWD director general Alan Toft said the independent sector is the "last chance saloon as far as the wine market goes," while the multiples continue to take the lion's share of the market. However, wine suppliers are now recognising that the independent sector represents "an important channel which will increase exposure of promoted and consistent brands to a wider public". Suppliers backing the blueprint include Rosemount Estate, Southcorp and E&J Gallo. But the FWD stresses the initiative is not designed to squeeze wholesalers' own label varieties off the fixtures in favour of shelves lined with Jacob's Creek. Parfett's md Steve Parfett said he had high hopes the scheme would prove as successful as the FWD's earlier blueprint for beers and ciders. {{NEWS }}