There were 1.5 billion meal occasions where broccoli was eaten, unchanged year-on-year, in the past year Twenty-nine per cent of broccoli is eaten on a Sunday Almost two thirds of broccoli is eaten in the evening Health is the main reason for eating broccoli, with 53% of consumers driven by this motivation Most broccoli is eaten fresh, but frozen broccoli is gaining in importance Men ramp up consumption of broccoli Consumers spent more on broccoli last year than they did in 2006, but consumption has remained static. Value sales grew 4% to £162m [52 w/e 9 September 07], but it featured in the same number of meal occasions as last year. Some 43% of consumers aged 45-plus eat broccoli regularly, with women cutting consumption and men eating more, along with children at teatime (+7%). Health is a key reason for eating broccoli, which has been linked to the prevention of prostate cancer, and this could be why middle-aged men are the highest consumers. The vegetable is mainly eaten on a Sunday, and consumption slows during the week. It is likely to be eaten fresh (86% versus 74% for total veg) as an evening meal because it takes longer to prepare. Broccoli is more often than not combined with potatoes and root vegetables (71% and 65% of broccoli meals respectively), while gravy will be added to 45% of meals. Chicken is more than twice as likely to be used with broccoli but it also features with beef (13%), pork (11%), meat pies (9%) and fish (7%). Drummond Richards