AGE PROFILE of lettuce consumers Children 0-105% 11-165% Male 17-3410% 35-6421% 65+10% Female 17-3410% 35-6425% 65+14% Info: Usage overview of lettuce. Year ending August 2007. In Home/Lunchbox Consumption Consumer spend on lettuce is stable year-on-year at £183 million There were 1.7 billion meal occasions featuring lettuce in the past year Of all lettuce meal occasions, consumption in the lunchbox had the highest growth Health is the primary reason for eating lettuce 71% of meal occasions also feature a tomato Lettuce is a popular choice at lunchtime Spending on lettuce has been stable in the past year, but consumption has dropped 8%, equating to a loss of 158 million occasions, as a result of poor summer weather and falling consumer interest. More than a third of the population eat lettuce twice on average over a two-week period, while three quarters eat a salad vegetable on average six times in the same period, meaning there is potential for increased consumption. All age groups, excluding young children, eat lettuce but it is particularly popular with the 45-plus age group, which accounts for more than 50% of consumption. Lettuce is mainly eaten as part of a main meal. However, the lunchbox is becoming more important - consumption has risen 17% since 2004, driven by lettuce being included in sandwiches or filled rolls. Other salad vegetables remain the most common accompaniment with 71% of meals featuring tomato and more than 50% featuring cucumber. Lettuce is mainly eaten for health reasons, with 57% of consumers citing that as the main motive. David Farmer