AGE PROFILE of canned tuna consumers Children 0-1014% 11-169% Male 17-3412% 35-6418% 65+4% Female 17-3415% 35-6421% 65+7% Info: Usage overview of canned tuna. Year ending August 2007. In-home/lunchbox consumption Canned tuna was eaten on 731 million occasions last year and is worth £210m to the grocery market. Just under a quarter of canned tuna is eaten by the 45-64 age group. Almost a third of canned tuna is eaten in the lunchbox. A third of people eat canned tuna for health reasons. Parents push their children to eat tuna Canned tuna consumption has remained fairly static but is showing value growth. It is a popular among older adults but children are driving growth as parents search for healthier meals and snacks to give their kids. Three quarters of children's lunchboxes feature a sandwich and tuna is one of the most popular fillings. Nearly a third of canned tuna is eaten for health reasons. It meets the needs of health-conscious shoppers because it is rich in Omega-3, which is said to reduce the risk of heart disease and help growth and development in children. It is also chosen because it is versatile and can be used in a variety of healthier meals and snacks such as salads and baked potatoes. Two-thirds of canned tuna is eaten in the home and the remainder in the lunchbox, which has grown 6% in the past year alone. Nearly three billion sandwich lunchboxes were prepared in the past year, and one in 10 included tuna. Pushing the advantages of the nutrients contained in canned tuna should ensure that they remain a favourite choice for lunchboxes, meals and snacks. Rory Partis
