Age profile of canned fruit consumers












Info: Usage overview of canned fruit. Year ending August 2006. In-home and lunchbox consumption

Last year there were 577 million meals involving canned fruit, up 4% on 2005

Adults 45+ are the core consumers

57% is eaten between 5 and 9pm

Health and enjoyment are the core drivers

Children get into the canned food habit

Canned fruit is eaten predominantly by adults aged 45+ who account for 67% of its consumption. Those over 65 are particularly important, eating 39%, which is linked to the traditional nature of the product.

However, don't give up on the kids. Children aged up to 10 are showing the greatest increase in consumption in the past year. This is driven by increasing parental concern about them eating healthily and the drive by schools and the government to get children to eat more healthy products both in the home and from the lunchbox.

Health and enjoyment are core motivations for canned fruit consumption, at 31% and 40% respectively. Consumers eating canned fruit are more likely to do so because it is a special treat or because they fancy a change.

The practical format is also important, with consumers more likely to eat it compared with other foods because it is easy to prepare/clear up or needs using up.

Canned fruit is most likely to form a component of a main meal rather than a light meal. It is also eaten most often on a Sunday.

Esther Cunningham