Interbrew is pushing the "serve it chilled" message by offering consumers the chance to buy Stella Artois branded fridges. This is in response to the brewer's own research and retail tests when one multiple grocer sold 25 fridges in 24 hours. So far branded fridges have been designed for use by the trade and the concept was pioneered by Budweiser a decade ago. It provided branded fridges for the on-trade which became famous for containing anything but Budweiser. Stella's mini fridge has been designed to fit on a kitchen work surface and will retail at £89.99. It will be available in two multiple retailers and some specialist off licences in the run up to Christmas. Interbrew's research showed that 46% of beer is not consumed on the day of purchase and 80% of consumers keep their beer in the fridge at home. Sales director Steve Kitching said: "Beer is often stored at room temperature in out of the way locations.This will help drive sales of Stella Artois because our research shows that when people have access to beer that is ready chilled they are far more likely to drink it." Less than 10% of beer in this country is sold chilled. In the US the figure is 90%. Interbrew has sited 1,500 Stella Artois branded chillers of normal size in retail outlets this year. {{DRINKS }}