Sir; Twineham Grange Italian Style Premium Cheese, a winner at the World Cheese Awards and voted Best Export cheese at the British Cheese Awards is so popular that even the Italians are calling for it. Indeed, Italy imports more Twineham Grange Italian Style Premium Cheese than any other country. So why full page ads in some of the national press, placed by Parmigiano Reggiano (Parmesan), saying the origin of Parmesan is important and protects the consumer? Are the authorities a bit worried Twineham Grange Italian Style Premium Cheese tastes so good and represents excellent value for money ­ at around £4 less per kilo than the Italian Parmesan? True, Twineham Grange Italian Style Premium Cheese tastes like Italian Parmesan and is similar in texture, but the makers at Twineham Grange in Sussex have never claimed it to be Italian Parmesan. In the early days, Twineham Grange described its cheese as a Vegetarian Parmesan Cheese, but like most dutiful British firms it complied with EU guidelines and they renamed it Twineham Grange Italian Style Premium Cheese. So what's all the fuss with these ads in the national press? Probably because many of the UK's leading authorities, magazines such as BBC Good Food and top food journalists, have been extolling the virtues of Twineham Grange Italian Style Premium Cheese. Indeed Egon Ronay said in his view that Twineham Grange is among the very top of British farm cheeses "and can easily compete both for flavour and texture, with the best Parmesans". Mark Humphrey General manager Twineham Grange {{LETTERS }}
