An ambitious project by Australian producer Cranswick to target female shoppers with a dedicated wine range is paying dividends seven months after launch. The company claims the Image range it launched in Tesco and Sainsbury last August, in pastel-coloured frosted bottles, is already a hit with consumers. European marketing manager Chris Hothersall said: "Sales have been climbing for the last six weeks and are now above the peak reached in the week before Christmas. "We have been set bold targets by the multiples and we are exceeding them. "We knew the bottles would attract interest from curious consumers but these latest sales mean they have tried it and are buying it again. "Target consumers are 25 to 40-year-old women because they are the main purchasers in the off-trade." The Chardonnay, Verdelho and Cabernet Merlot wines retail at £4.99. {{DRINKS }}