White cider brand Frosty Jack's is running a campaign to warn university students to watch how much they drink.

Brand owner Aston Manor is targeting first year students with its You Don't Know Jack tour of UK universities. During the campaign, which kicks off this week, 50,000 special edition 330ml bottles of Frosty Jack's, each of which represents the maximum recommended daily intake of alcohol, will be handed out. The producer is also handing out alcohol unit calculators and leaflets containing advice from The Drinkaware Trust.

Aston Manor, which ran the alcohol awareness campaign last year, has extended the tour to reach 50,000 students. "Nearly half of the students we surveyed earlier this year didn't know their maximum recommended daily unit allowance," said sales and marketing director Glenn Asquith.

"We have a responsibility to educate consumers about the alcohol content of our drinks. "We may feel the message about responsible drinking is understood but results from our survey suggest we must not be complacent."