All articles by Kay Staniland – Page 2

  • News

    Lesser-known brands get space to drive sales


    Lesser-promoted brands may not make it into the top five in their categories but they still use significant promotional budgets on featured and secondary space in-store. The top five categories overall were led by alcohol, which took the lead last...

  • News

    Walkers offers continue to dominate the aisles


    Walkers' relentless promotional activity has allowed to pull away from the rest of its rivals in the crisps and snacks category. However, Pringles has consolidated its second place with 23% of activity in our latest Promotrack survey....

  • News

    Make Mine a Builders makes it into top three


    PG Tips and Tetley continue to battle for the top spot in the tea category, with Tetley taking the honours in terms of promotional activity at the weekend, but PG Tips remaining narrowly ahead for the year. However, following last week's...

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    Fruit juices struggle for promo space in chillers


    Chilled not-from-concentrate juice is having to fight with higher-profile products like Innocent Drinks smoothies for its share of space in the chiller cabinet. With far less space devoted to promotions in chilled than elsewhere...

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    Flash - it's the leader of the household universe


    Flash has ramped up its promotional activity to take the top spot as the most promoted household goods brand in Assosia's latest survey of promotional activity, carried out last weekend. The survey revealed that 24 household goods brands...

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    Wall's and Nestlé fight for top spot in ice cream


    Nestlé has dramatically stepped up its activity in ice cream cabinets this year, pulling ahead of Wall's, which last year was the busiest player. It's obviously early days for ice cream, but Nestlé's activity this year so far is sharply...

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    Felix leads as petfood brands push savings


    The top ten petfood brands recorded in featured promotional space in 2006 were Felix with 25% of activity, Whiskas with 18% and Pedigree with 13%. Winalot, Perfect, Butchers and Iams took a 6% share each and Go Cat and Purina took 2%. The...

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    Healthy living leads the way in New Year offers


    With the balance restored for the first week of 2007, grocery has resumed the top activity slot, with alcohol in second place, health, beauty and baby in third and soft drinks and biscuits/cakes sharing fourth place with a 9% share. The...

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    The spirits of Christmas are reluctant to depart


    The top five categories for branded promotional activity reflect the legacy of the festive season. The data was collected on 30-31 December and shows that deals on the usual Christmas goodies dominated events. The alcohol...

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    Own-label offers tread a different path this year


    As an end-of-year review, Assosia have collated the Promotrack data from 2006 - 1 January to 11 December - to report the most active categories, brands and retailers. The top five branded categories for 2006 were grocery, alcohol, health,...

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    Shelves spilling over as beautiful offers pick up


    The health, beauty and baby category has started to increase activity in featured space promotions in the run-up to Christmas. This category has been consistently in the top 10 branded activity chart and in the top five for three of the...

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    2006 promotion trends lean heavily on X for Y


    A snapshot into the promotional mechanic trends used since January - taking the three data points of January, June and November - shows the overall mechanics favoured in January were buy-one-get-one-free with 34%, x for y 27%, save 18%, ½ price...

  • News

    Festive fare offers get into the swing of things


    Grocery and alcohol were among the most promoted categories in the major supermarkets in the week ending 6 November in both branded and own label products. Kellogg's, Nestlé and Princes continued to be the most active in the branded...

  • News

    Retailers reap rewards of featured promotions


    Princes red salmon, Tilda rice and the ubiquitous Stella Artois all featured off-shelf as well as in their categories in the week ending 30 October, thanks to a number of high profile promotions. This week the x for y promotional mechanic...

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    Hallowe'en is so sweet for sales of chocolates


    The approach of Halloween has resulted in increased activity in the confectionery category. It has overtaken soft drinks to lie in sixth position in the overall branded share chart, only 1% behind household, with treat-size, fun-size and...

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    Flora products active on promotional front


    Healthy ingredients and added value products continued to be a consistent theme on the featured space promotional shelves for the week ending 2 October. Flora's Pro-activ yoghurt drinks and spreads have shown consistent activity and...

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    Colgate smiles its way to the top of the chart


    The health, beauty and baby category was last looked at in-depth in the 26 August issue of The Grocer. In the period since then the top five brands in our chart have changed completely, with only Aquafresh and Huggies making it into this week's...

  • News

    Crisps make mark - is it any Golden Wonder?


    Crisps and snacks have remained consistent in the overall category chart remaining in 9th and 10th place accounting for approximately 4% of all featured space promotional activity recorded. The dominant brands in this category include Golden...