A Cornish ice cream company is taking on Unilever as the battle of the ice cream suppliers heats up.

Kelly's of Cornwall is ramping up its provenance message in a £2.5m push as Unilever embarks on a £3m campaign for Carte d'Or.

The Kelly's activity, which includes TV, press and sampling starting next month, builds on its 'Cornish by Nature' proposition by highlighting that all its cream and milk are sourced locally. It is also launching a Mint Chocolate Clotted Cream Cone (rsp: £1.10). "Cornish provenance is the most motivating driver for a premium ice cream," said Charlotte Hambling, senior marketing manager at brand owner R&R Ice Cream.

Unilever is adding three new variants to Carte D'Or in a continuation of its Flavour of the Year strategy. Rum & Raisin, Raspberry Cheesecake and Coconut are available now (rsp: £3.19 to £3.49). A TV ad is dedicated to Rum & Raisin.
