Kingsmill ad with John Thomson

John Thomson stars in a new series of ads for Kingsmill 50/50

Kingsmill has turned the spotlight on its 50/50 bread with a £4m TV push starring Cold Feet actor John Thomson.

On air now, the ads are based on funny and emotional moments in a single-family household with Thomson as the dad, and carry a new “Baking a Difference” strap. 

The first ad features the kids drawing inspiration from Kingsmill 50/50 when describing their dad as “a big sooftie, tasty, crusty – a bit of an all-rounder” in an online dating profile.

The campaign had been designed to show “a fresh side to family life”, said the Allied Bakeries brand.

“Consumers tell us that Kingsmill provides more than simple sustenance and is at the heart of keeping the busy family ticking over,” said director of brands Darren Grivvell.

Last year, Kingsmill sales increased 3.3% to £358.8m [Nielsen MAT 12 October 2013].
