All Labelling articles – Page 54
Action on Sugar campaign declares war on sugary products
Health campaigners who led a campaign to cut salt levels in food have opened a new front, this time on sugar, amid growing fears that high levels in food and drink could be a cause of obesity.
FSA begins hunt for foreign food labelled as British
One year on from the horsemeat scandal, the Food Standards Agency has its eyes on a new potential food authenticity issue.
Tesco Healthy Living range launches: in pictures
Tesco has rolled out a major revamp of its Healthy Living range, with more than 230 products reformulated to be lower in salt, sugar or fat.
Smart Swaps campaign offers money-off vouchers on groceries
People are being encouraged to switch to diet drinks and low-fat milk in a new government-backed Change4Life TV ad campaign.
Comment & Opinion
It's time to make healthier food choices cheaper
The moment has arrived for tough decisions by the food industry, starting with the soft drinks sector…
Go diet on all soft drinks for more profits, industry urged
Soft drinks suppliers are being urged to switch production entirely to diet drinks to combat obesity…
Comment & Opinion
Soft drinks: Making the healthy choice the cheaper choice
It is possible to sell healthier versions of popular, mass-market foods at lower prices than standard high-sugar, high-fat, high-calorie products - and companies can make more money doing so. Here’s how.
Diageo’s Grumpy Gorilla to promote safer drinking
Diageo is launching a humorous ad campaign to promote safer drinking as part of its sponsorship of free travel home on New Year’s Eve in London and Edinburgh.
WeightWatchers to launch Simple Start weight loss programme
WeightWatchers is gearing up to launch a new diet plan in a bid to revive the brand’s fortunes.
Mars bars shrink but price stays the same
Mars has shrunk the size of its Mars and Snickers chocolate bars – but it’s kept the price of the bars unchanged,
Analysis & Features
Defra Family Food 2012 reveals progress against obesity
Brits are actually consuming less but are also eating less healthily…
Kingsmill adds traffic-light labelling
Allied Bakeries is the latest company to roll out the government’s ‘traffic light’ labelling system on its products.
Food labelling powers should go back to FSA, Elliott says
The responsibility for policy on compositional labelling should revert from Defra to the Food Standards Agency, Prof Elliott’s review has recommended.
Aspartame poses no health risks, says EFSA
The artificial sweetener aspartame poses no health risks at currently approved consumption levels, according to a report by the European Union’s food safety watchdog released today.
East of England Co-op cans sales of super-strength beers and cider
All East of England Co-operative Society stores will stop selling cheap, super-strength beers and ciders from 16 December following a successful trial.
Report recommends global rollout for DH salt cut strategy
Efforts by food and drink companies to slash salt in food are helping to save 9,000 lives a year says The Lancet…
New alcohol policy model slammed as ‘unworkable’
Local authorities and NHS bodies have been accused of trying to bring in minimum unit pricing by stealth.
Food companies queuing up to show revived GI logo
Low glycaemic index labels are set to make a comeback in the UK after scientists found a way round a European ban…
Alpro nut drink relocation alarms nut allergy sufferers
Alpro has sparked consumer concerns after adding a ‘may contain nuts’ warning to its soya, rice and oat lines…
Analysis & Features
What's behind Morrisons' restrictions on energy drinks?
Morrisons trial to restrict sales of energy drinks to under-16s isn’t even covered by Responsibility Deal. So what’s up?…