All Labelling articles – Page 56
Superfood burgers released by Speyside
A meat supplier to the mults wants to reposition the humble burger as a functional food for fitness enthusiasts with a new range of lean beefburgers enriched with ‘superfood’ ingredients.
Danone launches new Actimel health claim
Danone is repositioning Actimel with a vitamin-based health claim that will see its patented L.casei probiotic culture relegated to a passing mention on packs.
Tesco low-fat Cheddar by Joseph Heler cuts salt and fat by 30%
Tesco has unveiled a new weapon in the quest to allay health concerns about eating cheese with the launch of a Cheddar-style cheese that is 30% lower in both fat and salt than conventional Cheddar.
Ten-packs and flavoured cigs to be banned under EU smoking regs
The European Parliament today voted to bring in a raft of new measures aimed at tackling smoking-related harm.