Canadian Ice Wine is unlikely to make it on to UK shelves until May at the earliest, despite the EU signalling approval last week. Some stocks have already arrived in the UK but it has to gain final clearance from Europe and must be certified for export by the Vintners Quality Alliance of Ontario and tested by the Canadian Liquor Control Board. The process is likely to take six weeks. Bill Redelmeier of Southbrook Farms in Ontario has already anticipated getting EU clearance and contacted buyers and made shipping arrangements. His wines are distributed by Vinoceros in this country and he will have a major presence on its stand at the London International Wine and Spirit Trade Fair in May. Redelmeier said: "People will start getting much more interested in Canadian wine. This could be the rebirth of the Canadian wine market in the UK." He reckoned the ice wine sector in the UK could be between 2,000 and 5,000 cases a year. {{DRINKS }}