Latest wholesale news – Page 137

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    Wholesale: Hunt hits out at supplier price tactics


    New pricing strategies employed by suppliers are threatening the profitability and even the survival of wholesalers, managing director Rodney Hunt told delegates at The Today's Group 2001 Conference in Tenerife. Mentioning no suppliers by name ­...

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    Forecourts: Action on forecourts


    Londis has won the tender to supply the 10-store chain of Action Station forecourts, based in south and west Yorkshire and the north of England. "We submitted our proposals for developing the Action Stations network after a trial at two sites,"...

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    Wholesale arm for Petty, wood


    Petty, Wood is adding a field sales force to its wholesale division ready for a blitz on the wholesale and impulse sectors. The Andover based brands supplier wants to improve penetration in cash and carries and independent forecourts as well as its...

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    Wholesale: P&H sheds light on grey row


    A controversial advertising campaign by Palmer & Harvey McLane for grey market soft drinks has reignited debate over pricing differentials on branded consumer goods. In the ad ­ which appeared in this magazine ­ the delivered wholesaler...

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    My shop: Garvin Clemson, Southend Londis


    An Essex man who joined his parents when they acquired a neighbourhood grocery business 34 years ago is still going strong and, in all that time, has been an avid reader of The Grocer. Garvin Clemson's parents purchased a 360 sq ft VG store in...

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    Multiples: Budgens speeds development


    Budgens' links with the Irish Musgrave Group are set to deliver benefits to both companies, according to Budgens chief executive Martin Hyson. Musgrave took a stake in Budgens in August and Hyson explained: "The management teams have had time to...

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    Wholesaling: I'll take my time over Booker'


    A new managing director for Booker will not be appointed for at least 12 weeks, says Bill Grimsey, chief executive of the parent Iceland group. Grimsey, who has just completed his first week at the head of Iceland, said he was prepared to take his...

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    Costcutter snaps up two Londis stores


    Two West Country Londis stores have been sold to Costcutter through agent Christie & Co. The first is the Forches Post Office and Londis in Barnstaple, Devon, while the second is the Dash Convenience Store in St Ives Road, Carbis Bay, St Ives. The...

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    News review 2000: Booker's rose basks in the limelight, then


    In May, the UK's biggest wholesale company Booker became the junior partner in a "merger" with Iceland, and Booker boss Stuart Rose took over as chief executive of the merged company. Iceland's charismatic founder Malcolm Walker became chairman and...

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    Refurbishment: Makro


    Makroscopic makeover Dominic Driscoll looks back on a bold wholesale refurbishment programme where vision and hands-on management combined to succeed in tearing up the rulebook When cash and carry chain Makro hatched a plan to totally refurbish...

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    Wholesalers must help rural shops


    Sir; re Rural alliance a multiples' stooge', Letters, November 18, p18. I was most disappointed to see Steve Parfett's letter demonstrating that once again the wholesalers find time and energy for "friendly fire". Come on Steve, you have many...

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    Wholesale: Adam Cunningham will find buyer without breakup'


    Scottish wholesaler Adam Cunningham has gone into receivership following cashflow problems and the breakdown of talks over the sale of the business. The company, which has been supplying confectionery, soft drinks and snacks to independent...

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    Symbol Groups: Londis breaks 2,000 barrier


    Londis membership has broken through the 2,000 store barrier, including 60 Scottish retailers who have joined the symbol group since May. Sales director Terry Bedford said: "We have already made a net gain of 75 members during the first nine months...

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    Bestway: Best-one's finally in business


    Exclusive John Wood Bestway finally unveiled the first Best-one store this week, together with a bundle of delivered services to add to its cash and carry offering. The 2,500 sq ft store in Westbourne Grove, London, opened under the Best-one...

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    Cash and carry: New boss at Booker pledges a revolution


    The days of cost cutting at Booker are over, says new boss Malcolm Walker, who this week pledged to back the cash and carry business with more investment that would drive its future growth. Walker is taking day to day responsibility for the...

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    Symbol group: Londis builds in a pharmacy


    Londis has opened its first c-store with an integral pharmacy. The store, at Northolt, Middlesex, is owned by pharmacist Suki Rai who, earlier this year, bought a Londis store two doors down from the chemist shop he had run for 15 years. Six months...

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    Musgrave: Scally blasts report's sweet damn all'


    Seamus Scally, boss of Irish group Musgrave, has launched an attack on the Competition Commission report into supermarket pricing. "It's a great pity it didn't recommend any putative action on the various malpractices they found in relation to...

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    Londis: Thousands of POs ripe for c-store conversion'


    Thousands of sub post offices could be saved from extinction by bolting on convenience, but there's no need for another symbol group. That's the view of Londis sales director Terry Bedford, responding to Colin Baker, general secretary of the...

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    Wholesalers: Today's arms retailers to take on the majors


    Today's believes it is giving its retail customers the ammunition to take on the major multiples with the relaunch of its own label. The wholesalers' buying group is spending more than £200,000 promoting its extended new-look range of own label...

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    Maloney takes reins of day-to-day operations at Budgens


    Vince Maloney is to take over as stores director at Budgens following the promotion of Peter Ellis to the PLC board. After joining Budgens in 1997 when the Neighbourhood Stores business was acquired, Maloney was appointed a senior controller within...