Sir, Regarding Birmingham City Council’s plans to limit the number of takeaway restaurants in specific areas of the city (‘Fast food outlets are as bad as strip clubs’, 19 November), at Just- Eat we feel these kinds of restriction pose an unfair hindrance to the kind of small emerging businesses we need to be pioneering right now.

With the UK restaurant industry, particularly the off-trade, currently delivering annual growth of between 4% and 5%, it seems bizarre that the council would wish to obstruct a growing industry – particularly in an economic climate where growth isn’t necessarily the norm.

In an economy that could be heading for a second recession, this rare green shoot must be nourished, not obstructed. Owners of takeaway restaurants show an impressive entrepreneurial spirit, and it is unfathomable why Birmingham City Council would do anything to get in the way of the small businesses promising growth.

David Buttress, managing director UK, Just-