Growers think BIGA on web Plans by the 18 members of the British Iceberg Lettuce Growers' Association to link together on its new web site to exchange commercial information and crop forecasts will come to fruition next season said chairman Jonathon Tremayne. The web site was originally set up alongside a video presentation as an educational package to provide multiples with a training module, but Tremayne believes it could play a far greater role. BIGA accounts for some 90% of Iceberg production and longer term Tremayne feels there could be potential in widening its role to invite a wider membership from producers of all other outdoor varieties of lettuce. "We are currently studying the feasibility," Tremayne added. Last week BIGA played host at an open day held at G's Growers where journalists saw salads being planted, harvested and packed in the field, and heard about the increasing growth of the prepared salad trade where Iceberg remains the basic ingredient. With the season half over, Tremayne admitted that the beginning had been difficult for some producers with the cold wet weather creating gaps in planting. "However it did not really impact on programmes," he added. The remainder of the season looked to be set fair, although demand ­ along with the weather ­ had been patchy. Iceberg now appears to have stabilised after several years of oversupply. BIGA vice chairman Laurence Frohn said low prices had caused several smaller growers to switch to other crops so production was now concentrated more in the hands of large scale specialists. Currently there are over 10,000 cases grown in the UK, the equivalent of 130,000 tonnes, sold either fresh or for processing. BIGA has taken several other initiatives to boost awareness, linking again this year with Bestfoods in a joint promotion for Hellmann's salad dressings. {{FRESH PRODUCE }}