One of the best known names in the French wine industry is being lent to a range of new wines specifically designed for the UK market. Sacha Lichine has created five dual varietal wines from the south of France and called them after his daughter Nikita. They were first seen in the UK before Christmas in the on-trade and UK agent Darlington Wines is now pushing for off-trade listings. Director Peter Hole said the main thrust of his efforts would be with below the line activity. "We will be offering retailers 35% profit on return. We want Nikita to be a profitable brand for people to sell." This is Darlington's first branded venture. Until now the company has specialised in own label and packaging solutions for the industry. Lichine said: "The French wine tradition often produces closed and austere wines which can take time to reveal their potential. You often have to let them age and open them well in advance of drinking. "As a result many French wines are out of step with today's wine drinking culture. Consumers prefer easy quaffing wines that can be opened and enjoyed immediately. "I have decided to take the best of what the south of France has to offer and blend the wines to have maximum appeal in Britain." The Nikita range consists of a Chardonnay/Grenache Blanc, Pinot Noir/Syrah, Chardonnay/Viognier, a Merlot/Syrah and a Cabernet Sauvignon/Mouvedre. They will retail at £4.99-£5.99, with £1 off on promotion. Lichine is also bringing out a pair of generic southern French wines, Le Coq Rouge and La Poule Blanche with an rsp of £4.49. {{DRINKS }}