Long reads – Page 256
Analysis & Features
Ice cream: Champagne celebrations for Magnum
Although temperatures have soared on occasion this year, it’s often been at the wrong time for ice cream consumption…
Analysis & Features
Petcare: treats fail to halt slide in sales
Not as bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as last year, petcare sales have slipped 0.8% in value on volumes down 3.1%…
Analysis & Features
Grooming: discounters are groomed for personal care success
Supermarket sales of grooming products are on a slippery slope, with volumes sliding…
Analysis & Features
Soup: warm weather puts soup out in the cold
Soup is in hot water. A mild winter and hot summer have dragged both value (–7.9%) and volumes (–9%) down…
Analysis & Features
Male grooming: razors lose edge as beard trend gathers pace
Beards are bang on trend. Just look at the decline in razors for proof. This is having such an impact on Gillette that…
Analysis & Features
Ready meals: Horsegate still haunts the category
Almost two years on from the first discovery, and ready meals are still haunted by Horsegate…
Analysis & Features
Cheese: brands faced challenges in the aisles
Cheese is a tough place for brands right now. As the discounters expand into the sector, price is taking centre stage…
Analysis & Features
Butters & spreads: I can't believe it's not better
If 2013 was a tough year for butters and spreads (value was down 4.3% on volumes down 5.9%), the past year has been even t…
Analysis & Features
Table sauces and condiments: dip in damp BBQ season
Table sauces have lost their bottle. Category sales have fallen 1.4% – reversing the 2.7% value growth enjoyed by the cate…
Analysis & Features
Paper products: loo roll goes down the pan in price war
The discounters and online giant Amazon are wiping the floor with the supermarkets when it comes to paper products…
Analysis & Features
Tobacco: rising duty pushes smokers to economy-brand and RYO
With the spectre of plain packaging looming ever larger and the final piece of the display ban puzzle…
Analysis & Features
Baby infant products: health advice hits UK babyfood market
Sugar hit the headlines in 2014 for all the wrong reasons. Baby juice took a direct hit as a result…
Analysis & Features
Canned goods: NPD winning for John West and Princes
Shoppers gave canned goods the cold shoulder in 2014…
Analysis & Features
Cakes: Brands need to get back to a basic recipe
Snacking is seen as an important source of growth for the cake market – but the trend has also contributed to its decline …
Analysis & Features
Bread: Warburtons loses £54m as Brits ditch it
Brits have bought the equivalent of 93 million fewer loaves of bread in the past 12 months…
Analysis & Features
Batteries: challengers surge in flat sector
Duracell’s pink fluffy rabbit is probably not a very happy bunny at present…
Analysis & Features
Frozen food: sector melts as economy begins to thaw
As the credit crunch dawned, Britain entered a new ice age. Shoppers went looking for value…
Analysis & Features
Food prices in the mults fall for seventh month in a row
The UK’s supermarkets are heading into the vital Christmas period with food price inflation remaining at historic lows…
Analysis & Features
Food and drink SMEs to step up M&A activity in 2015
A new year and a new start is almost upon us, bringing with it that annual sense of optimism which makes us resolve to go to the gym more, eat more fruit and veg, quit smoking and cut down on alcohol.
Analysis & Features
Free-from: hitting the big time as sales boom to half a billion
Free from has come of age, blasting through the £500m barrier for the first time, in 2014…