Long reads – Page 257
Analysis & Features
Alcohol: Prosecco tops an uplifting year for alcoholic drinks
Heroes emerge from the unlikeliest of places at times of war. In the price war, they’ve stepped out of the booze aisles…
Analysis & Features
Sports nutrition: market bulked up by smaller impulse lines
Supermarkets are in dire need of a shot in the arm. But there’s one sector in which they’re looking rather ripped…
Analysis & Features
Is the budget end of the grocery market slowing down?
A lot has been made of the “free ride” the mainstream supermarkets have given the discounters over recent months, but today’s Kantar Worldpanel data seems to point to tougher conditions at the value end of the market.
Analysis & Features
Pastygate seems a long time ago for booming Greggs
As turnaround years go, they rarely come much better than 2014 has proved for Greggs.
Analysis & Features
Top launch: Super Smoothies by Innocent
Innocent has big ambitions for the functional fruit & veg drinks it launched in March – setting out a two-year sales target of £30m. There’s no denying Super Smoothies is a compelling proposition – combining the strength of the Innocent brand with good-looking products featuring fruit, vitamins and ingredients ...
Analysis & Features
Market caution over Sainsbury's takeover rumours is understandable
One of the market’s unwritten rules is that any company subject to takeover rumours will get a nice share price boost.
Analysis & Features
Farmgate milk price collapse looks set to continue in 2015
Almost a quarter of the value of UK farmgate milk has been wiped out since April, according to data from DairyCo…
Analysis & Features
Can the FSA step up in the fight against food crime?
The most recent Efra hearing on food supply networks would have made for uncomfortable listening for the Food Standards Ag…
Bruce Langlands and the hallowed halls of Harrods: big interview
Harrods is the most famous shop in the world. Over seven floors of prime West London real estate, it sells wickedly expens…
Analysis & Features
How Winemark saw the light to switch to LED in all its stores
Winemark hasn’t looked back since it decided to convert all its lighting to LED…
Analysis & Features
Tesco shredded salt beef: acid test
US-style meat products such as shredded beef and pulled pork are all the rage right now…
Analysis & Features
Soft drinks: war on sugar sours juice sector sales
If you’re looking for a casualty from the war on sugar, you’ve found it. While carbonates, energy drinks and sweets escaped relatively lightly, juices & smoothies have been hammered. Value has slumped £69.4m (3.5%) on volumes down 6.5%, with own label’s long-term decline gathering pace to nearly double the rate ...
Analysis & Features
Ocado can reflect on a solid 2014 but the fireworks are still to come
Ocado’s growth may have slowed a touch in the fourth quarter, but it seems a little churlish to pick holes in solid figures that show the company surviving the current grocery retail chaos and coping with tough comparables.
Analysis & Features
Philadelphia Duo Cremoso: acid test
Launched across Europe this summer by Mondelez, Philadelphia Cremoso is a soft white cheese with a softer…
Analysis & Features
Glanbia bulks up for 2015 growth
This week Irish food group Glanbia was selected as one of Jefferies’ top 15 top buy-rated stocks primed for growth 2015…
Analysis & Features
Margin resets and junk status looming: analysts' views of Tesco
We look at analysts’ reaction to Tesco’s latest profits warning and where this leaves Dave Lewis’ plans to turn around the ailing grocery giant as we head into 2015.
Analysis & Features
Investors banking on a Unilever spreads sell-off may be disappointed
When it emerged that Unilever is breaking out its spreads business into a separate division at a London investor conference last Thursday, the fmcg giant’s shares immediately shot upwards by around 3%.
Analysis & Features
Premier is following a well-established supermarket playbook
The real surprise about Premier Foods’ demands for payment from suppliers is not that the company is doing it, but that it’s suddenly in the spotlight.
Analysis & Features
UK apple production 'under threat' from neonics ban, says CPA
Apple production in the UK could become “unviable” within a decade…
Analysis & Features
Co-op Have Your Say survey results released at last
It was billed as the biggest piece of research and engagement in The Co-operative Group’s 150-year history…