Long reads – Page 284
Analysis & Features
Britain's biggest grocery advertisers: it's getting personal
The unstoppable rise of social media has led to a proliferation of highly targeted, personalised advertising…
Jonathan Bye: how he crunched the numbers at Seabrook Crisps
Haemorrhaging sales and losing money, it was crunch time for Seabrook Crisps. Then Jonathan Bye rode to the rescue…
Analysis & Features
Big business steps in to steer high street rescue mission
Four of big high street names are launching a new phase in the battle to save it…
Analysis & Features
The ice cubes retailing for a cool £100 each
How does Russian entrepreneur Sergei Vesennedurakov intend to sell the concept of a premium ice cube?…
Analysis & Features
Was Asda's promo blitz the prelude to a price war?
The price war announced by Morrisons CEO Dalton Philips two weeks ago appears to have got off to a slow start…
Analysis & Features
Experiential marketing: the evolution
Plant a dragon skull on a beach and sit back as thrilled consumers generate buzz with smartphones…
Analysis & Features
How gamification could make shopping and brand engagement fun
Supermarket shopping as a video game could soon be a virtual reality…
Analysis & Features
Can Philip Green's BHS c-store/pound zone hybrid actually work?
There was a new entrant into the supermarket price war this week as Sir Philip Green unveiled his BHS Food offer…
Analysis & Features
Budget poses fresh questions over government high-alcohol battle
Does the Budget indicate a cosy relationship with brewers and distillers? Or are bingers still in the firing line?…
Analysis & Features
Record spring flush to push down cheese prices
Tuesday (1 April) sees the start of the new quota year, and by all accounts it’s going to start with a bang…
Analysis & Features
Kids come up with cunning food bank plan
A new scheme allows online shoppers to donate half their bogof to a food bank at the click of a button…
Analysis & Features
Is this the big price war we have all been waiting for?
As Dalton Philips ‘got the bazooka out’ there was share carnage. Suppliers fear being caught in the crossfire sooner or later…
Analysis & Features
Organic food price hikes fail to put shoppers off
Shoppers are opting to buy organic despite steep price hikes in many product categories…
Analysis & Features
Fuel Save: is Tesco on to a winner with new mechanic?
Tesco says its Fuel Save scheme is an ‘industry first’. But will it give it the edge at the pumps?…
Analysis & Features
The IPO market may be hot but will valuations disappoint?
The IPO market is hotter than ever. So what’s driving it? Irrational exuberance or genuine value?…
Analysis & Features
Beef prices fall as Horsegate factor tails off
When retailers and suppliers made wide-ranging British sourcing commitments after Horsegate, UK beef prices soared…
Analysis & Features
The Top 50 Independent Grocery Retailers 2014 ranking
Independent grocery operators are continuing to battle against the multiples and the growth of hard discounters, but the sector is shrinking fast…
Analysis & Features
What does the merger of Chiquita and Fyffes mean to the trade?
Banana giants expect big synergies from proposed merger…
Analysis & Features
UK wheat prospects look good... for now
Farmers and millers say prospects are good for the British wheat crop – but warn there could yet be clouds on the horizon…
Analysis & Features
Morrisons sales slump is ‘rippling down to the staff’
The news emanating from the Morrisons bunker is likely to come as a further blow to many employees, amid growing evidence that morale at store level has taken a turn for the worse.