Long reads – Page 288
Analysis & Features
Yakult - Every Day is a Yakult Day
You’d think its frankness about being full of bacteria (especially “live bacteria”) would put people off…
Analysis & Features
Casillero del Diablo - Wine Legend
‘Cinematic’ is the best word to describe wine brand Casillero del Diablo’s bombastic and brilliant ad
Analysis & Features
Cow & Gate - Supergroup
A cabal of adorable toddlers are set loose in a recording studio
Analysis & Features
Andrex - Stop Rollaphobia
This ad for Harpic Power Plus toilet cleaner kept its tongue firmly enough in its cheek to avoid causing offence
Analysis & Features
Harpic Power Plus - Fireman
This ad for Harpic Power Plus toilet cleaner kept its tongue firmly enough in its cheek to avoid causing offence
Analysis & Features
E-lites - What Are You Missing?
E-Lites illustrated its wonderfully simple concept - don’t miss a thing because you can smoke e-cigarettes inside! - with a dancing baby
Analysis & Features
Yorkshire Tea - Everything Stops For Tea
What’s more British than cricket, a brass band, a village green, an ice cream van, an air display team and a nice hot cup of tea?
Analysis & Features
Robinsons - Pals
This slightly twee ad purports to show two best ‘pals’ larking around all day
Analysis & Features
Lucozade Sport - Last Men Standing
This ad is filmed in a stylish, stop-start way that delivers its sport-focused message perfectly
Analysis & Features
Old El Paso - Together is Bueno
Mexican movie tough guy Danny Trejo was perfectly cast as Old El Paso’s fajita-making mobster patriarch
Analysis & Features
Birds Eye - Rice Fusions
Clarence, the slightly creepy polar bear, has been back in action for Birds Eye this year with an ad for the brand’s rice-and-veg mixes
Analysis & Features
Whiskas - Big Cat Little Cat
Whiskas set out to show domestic and big cats share the same natural instincts in this ad
Analysis & Features
Marmite - End Marmite Neglect
Marmite likes to flaunt its tagline ‘love it or hate it’, and this year it extended its high-risk strategy to its spoof ad campaign
Analysis & Features
FryLight - Ballerina
There’s a touch of TV’s Wonder Woman about this ad, in which a cook transforms into a ballerina by spinning around a few times
Analysis & Features
Pampers - Baby Dry
This ad is a little coy. On the face of it, it is telling parents their little loved ones will wake up feeling rested…
Analysis & Features
Vanish - Tip Exchange
Vanish has managed to reinvent the usual laundry advertising clichés
Analysis & Features
Corsodyl - Ignore
Corsodyl has used images of beautiful models with missing teeth for a while now, but this year gave it a new and visually striking spin
Analysis & Features
Kronenbourg - The Farmers Of Alsace
Full marks to Eric Cantona for not taking himself too seriously in this vision of an alternate reality
Analysis & Features
Plenty - Juan Sheet Super Strong
No one actually rinses out and re-uses kitchen roll, do they?
Analysis & Features
Innocent - Big Knit 2013
It’s not easy to keep ads for such an ongoing campaign fresh, but Innocent has upped the tempo this year