Long reads – Page 303
Analysis & Features
Big four keep tight lid on beef prices after 'Horsegate'
The horsemeat scandal: an opportunity to increase fresh beef prices? Or time to slash prices?…
Analysis & Features
Can Tesco make a success of its One Stop franchise plan?
Some are wary, but many indies find the power of Tesco irresistible, after its decision to enter the world of franchising…
Analysis & Features
What was to blame for the great Easter egg shortage?
The weather? A distaste for heavy stocking of low-margin lines? Or an obsession with an efficient supply chain?…
Analysis & Features
Horsemeat: The European web
Since ‘horsegate’ erupted, EU countries have issued more than 50 alerts about horsemeat adulteration of meat products. Our maps show the European spread…
Analysis & Features
Counter culture
It you think older shoppers prefer to go to the supermarket, while students like shopping online, think again. New research sheds a different light on shopper demographics…
Analysis & Features
Easter promotional push reflects retailers' hunger for deals
All of the major supermarkets increased their deals in the run-up to Easter, with uplifts from Tesco and Asda…
Analysis & Features
Global weather puts big squeeze on dairy commodities prices
Dairy commodity prices have soared to record highs as global supplies have been hit by a perfect storm…
Lord Sainsbury and an earlier age of austerity
Hard times are nothing new as Lord Sainsbury attests in this exclusive extract from The Branded Gentry…
Analysis & Features
Tesco axing Saucy Fish Co rings alarm bells for brands
Imitation is said to be the sincerest form of flattery. Try telling that to Seachill, maker of the Saucy Fish Co…
Analysis & Features
How Aldi topped the loyalty table without a loyalty card
Loyalty schemes are not the only way to generate shopper loyalty, reveals our latest Supermarket Loyalty League
Analysis & Features
What a waste!
Every day, tonnes of vegetables grown in Kenya for UK supermarkets are thrown out because they don’t comply with cosmetic standards…
Analysis & Features
Girl power digs a better future for African women
Senior women from the industry are undertaking three challenges to raise awareness of the plight of farmers in Africa…
Analysis & Features
Feed contamination rocks Europe - but UK looks set to escape
Experts do not think UK feed and food prices are likely to be affected by the aflatoxin scandal in Europe, sparked panic in Germany and the Netherlands…
Silvena Rowe's second stab at supermarket success
After her abortive first attempt to build her own brand in Waitrose, the outspoken Bulgarian chef wants to try again…
Analysis & Features
Bad weather takes its toll on fresh produce as prices soar
With temperatures once again plummeting this week, a rotten 2012 looks set to be followed by a problematic 2013 for farmers and growers…
Analysis & Features
Salt reduction: Can technology overcome the DH's bombshell?
The government now wants a red light for any portion containing more than 1.8g of salt…
Analysis & Features
How reliable is DNA testing in the wake of new revelations?
As Aldi and Asda are caught up in new horsemeat revelations experts say occasional contradictions are par for the course…
Analysis & Features
Supermarket fashion: Too much TU, not enough FROW?
Supermarket clothing no longer grabs the column inches. What can the mults do to get back on fashion’s front row?…
Meet Maurizio Brusadelli, the mayor of Joyville
The Mondelez UK chief argues that far from diluting Cadbury’s Britishness, the Kraft deal has strengthened it…
Analysis & Features
Britain's Biggest Brands 2013: The List
Which are the biggest grocery brands in Britain on 2013? Who’s up and who’s down? The Grocer’s special report reveals all.