Long reads – Page 332
Analysis & Features
Trading places
Britain’s ‘special’ relationship with the US has never been stronger, at least when it comes to the exchange of food and drink brands across the Atlantic. Samantha Lyster and Nick Hughes report from both sides of the pond on why so many brands are taking the plunge
Analysis & Features
Fewer savings to be had, but brands offer deeper cuts
Last month’s fall in average savings seems to have been a blip. The past four weeks show fewer deals, but bigger price cuts.
Analysis & Features
Hovis granary bloomer homebake
Looking to bring brand presence to the own-label dominated ambient part-bake sector
Analysis & Features
The Co-op eyes a network fit for the future
Last week’s numbers don’t look clever. But a mammoth overhaul of its outdated logistics network is essential to The Co-op’s rejuvenation. Beth Phillips reports
Analysis & Features
Michael Clarke and Premier: is it Mission Impossible?
Michael Clarke, until recently the head of Kraft’s European operations, has chosen to accept one of the toughest assignments in FMCG.
Analysis & Features
As high streets are hit, what’s to come? And what can be done?
The latest figures reveal a sharp acceleration in the number of retailers going to the wall. Can anything be done? By Ian Quinn & Christopher Goodfellow
Analysis & Features
Living la vida local
Not one to be fazed by competition from the mults, Andrew Thornton has revamped his Crouch End Budgens store to wrest back sales from Waitrose. Elinor Zuke finds out more
Analysis & Features
At 4%, food price inflation is stable... but it’s all relative
Prices at the big four are up 4% on average – 3% when deals are taken into account – but only Asda has kept a lid on inflation. Ronan Hegarty reports
Analysis & Features
The antisocial network: how Facebook ‘fans’ can turn foe
Big name brands have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. It lets them ‘engage’ consumers – but acts as a hub for criticism. Guy Montague-Jones reports
Analysis & Features
The pots and pans approach (plus a world-class platform)
As well as a new virtual farm shop on Ocado’s website, Daylesford CEO Jamie Mitchell is set to open up to 10 small-format shops.
Analysis & Features
Commodities: As prices rocket, will British crop help dry onion tears?
Drought in New Zealand has sent onion prices soaring. But suppliers hope they will fall again when the British crop is harvested. Julia Glotz reports
Analysis & Features
Heinz Squeeze & Stir minestrone soups
Heinz’s first move into the cup soups market offers one of a consumer’s 5-a-day in a convenient purée format
Analysis & Features
Meat online
The London Fine Meat Company used to supply just caterers. Now it is supplying consumers too via a new online delivery service – and eyeing the high street. Simon Creasey reports
Analysis & Features
Will app-augmented reality prove more than just a Blip?
A new smartphone app claims it will change the face of marketing. Vince Bamford downloaded Blippar to check out what it can do
Analysis & Features
Food Festivals: The new rock and roll
Food and drink is headlining at a new kind of festival where the music plays second fiddle to grocery brands and celebrity chefs. But how much of an appetite is there for such events, asks Samantha Lyster
Analysis & Features
Food Festivals: Foodies get streetwise
The British Street Food Awards have progressed from car park jamboree to fashionable food event in just one year. And the trend for street food is here to stay, claims Richard Johnson
Analysis & Features
Salkeld shows Symington’s the way with M&A and NPD
Symington’s has just expanded again – this time into wet sauces. What has the company done to bring about its impressive growth since 2007, asks Hannah Stodell
Analysis & Features
Foster’s Gold
Foster’s Gold is a more sophisticated version of the brand for lads to be seen drinking when out with the ladies
Analysis & Features
Commodities: Orange juice prices will fall, just wait for the harvests
Orange juice prices have soared after crop failures in key regions, but following two years of price hikes, a fall is now on the cards, says Mintec’s Robert Miles
Analysis & Features
Croydon after the riots: ‘No business. No people. Nothing’
As Croydon retailers take stock following last week’s violence, Elinor Zuke talks to retailers and local residents about the impact of the riots on their community