Long reads – Page 334
P&G's Olympian ambitions
P&G has netted one of the biggest Olympic sponsorships ever, paying an estimated £100m to partner the Games until 2020.
Analysis & Features
Olympic Special: Who’ll get the biggest slice?
It’s been billed as the biggest peacetime catering operation. And for the first time an Olympic committee has set strict rules on the quality and provenance of the food it serves during the Games – good news potentially for British food and drink producers. Rob Brown reports
Analysis & Features
The Common Fisheries Policy: 10 answers to key questions
Discards may have dominated the debate on Common Fisheries Policy reform, but there’s far more at stake for retailers and suppliers. Richard Ford reports
Analysis & Features
Commodities: Salad prices hold steady in wake of German E.coli crisis
Salads – especially cucumbers – took a bashing during the E.coli crisis. But prices at retail have actually remained relatively stable. Julia Glotz reports
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Acid Test: Guzzle Puzzle
Cadbury says the new format will extend the brand’s reach to young families and adults
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Will Morrisons’ M-local be a convenience game-changer?
It has a wider range of fresh food at no mark-up to superstore prices, but is M-local really that different from other c-stores, asks Ronan Hegarty
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New alliance muscles in on ‘poor service’ logistics giants
A new national consortium of regional transport players is planning to swipe key grocery contracts from the logistics giants. Simon Creasey reports
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Acid Test: VK Cheeky
VK claims to have bottled the taste of student-favourite cocktail Cheeky Vimto in this 4% abv drink.
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Is a career in finance a key asset for prospective COOs?
Following the surprise exit of Simon King, Asda has found its new COO in Judith McKenna, its long-term financial chief. Ian Quinn looks into the reasons for casting CFOs in operational roles
Analysis & Features
Brands capitalise on x-for-y as savings increase vs 2010
Brands continue to lead in the promo stakes, with average savings increasing year-on-year at twice the rate of own-label. Vince Bamford reports
McMeikan on a roll
Since joining Greggs, Britain’s biggest high-street bakery, chief executive Ken McMeikan hasn’t put a foot wrong. Now he’s selling frozen sausage rolls through Iceland and eyeing another 500 store openings.
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Trade Promotions Survey: Are deals good for anything other than driving volume?
The seventh annual Trade Promotions Survey reveals supplier scepticism about the value of promotions. Ian Fermor and Martin Wheeler of Ebiquity report
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Can Thorntons perk itself up with a shot of Caffè culture?
Group CEO Jonathan Hart plans a more personalised experience on the high street and more sales through supermarkets. Hannah Stodell reports
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Acid Test: Thatchers 2010 Vintage Cider
A distinctive, premium blended cider produced from some of the finest English apple varieties grown in the company’s Somerset orchards
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Farm Africa: Climbing Out of Poverty
Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is not for the fainthearted, but for the 10 senior food and drink industry executives preparing to tackle Africa’s tallest mountain, the biggest challenge is raising the profile of FARM-Africa, an aid agency that is helping African farmers climb out of poverty. Virginia Matthews reports
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Harris hits back at ‘spurious claims and disgruntled staff’
What led to the rapid demise of Haldanes after only 18 months? CEO Arthur Harris gives Beth Phillips his own account of events leading to the meltdown
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Grocery prices still on the up despite impact of promos
Food prices are up 4% on last year, even with promos factored in. And with sales flat, the future looks tough for consumers.
Eaton mess
Geoff Eaton saved Uniq from the brink by skillfully hurdling its monumental pension fund. Now all he has to do is sell the company. The proof, says Hannah Stodell, is in the pud
Analysis & Features
Acid Test: Burgen Buckwheat & Poppy Seed loaf
The vitamin D fortified loaf will fill a gap in the market for a healthy bread that doesn’t compromise on taste
Analysis & Features
England’s grape expectations
English wine makers have grand ambitions – to increase output and steal 10% of the booming Champagne market in the next five years. Can they do it? Rob Brown