Lucozade is working up a sweat to promote the various drinks under its brand.

Thirsty exercisers will get a musical incentive to buy ­Lucozade Hydro Active with an instant-win promotion.

Each promotional pack directs drinkers to a web site, where they can download five different 30-minute workout music mixes and win an MP3 player. Health clubs and gyms will get the music to play, as well as posters from the launch early next month.

Meanwhile, Lucozade Energy is hitting petrol stations and m-way services with branding on petrol pumps, PoS units and posters in a £2m campaign starting next week and which runs until September. Consumers will be able to sample the drink, including the new apple variant, at 24 of the largest service stations.

Lucozade Sport is also running five new press ads from next week, including one featuring footballer Steven Gerrard. They have the strapline 'Sometimes the difference comes down to just a few millimetres', which has ­already featured on TV ads.