The producer of Magners Irish Cider continues to struggle with the brand's popularity since national roll out and has warned it will find it difficult to meet demand at Christmas.

Marketing director Maurice Breen said Magners had advised customers of the difficulties, adding: "We do have capacity constraints at our plant in Clonmell and our ability to supply the off-trade is already limited."

Breen said that brand owner C&C Group had announced plans to double capacity at Clonmell, which would be the second time in the space of a year that it has expanded the site.

He added: "We are investing €250m in Clonmell, taking the facility to quadruple its original size, but until that goes through we do expect to be constrained. We were taken a bit aback by the demand for the brand."

But despite supply problems the company continues to advertise.

Magners in autumn, p67