Magners is to increase its focus on the off-trade this year as it attempts to stem plummeting on-trade sales.

The off-trade sales team, which has increased in size over the past few months, will continue to grow as the company taps into the popularity of drinking at home, said Scott Fairbairn, UK marketing manager.

"The off-trade is becoming more important this year for the next step in Magners' evolution and as drinking at home becomes more popular," he said.

The brand's over-ice proposition, which propelled it to success in the UK following its launch in 2005, will also become less important, particularly in the take-home sector, according to Fairbairn.

"The over-ice proposition will remain a feature of our activity but won't be something we rely on. For some it's part of the ritual, but others enjoy it without ice."

Pint and 750ml bottles along with multipacks will be central to the company's off-trade strategy. On-pack promotions, PoS and off-trade-specific advertising will be aimed at increasing the number of "grabbing occasions" through c-store and grocery, said Fairbairn.

Magners Light, which was launched in September, will also be a focus to attract women to the brand.

Magners has been hit hard in pubs and bars by S&N's Bulmers bottled cider offer and draught Strongbow. Last month the Irish company said it would fight back by rolling out Magners Draught in the on-trade.