This year supermarkets must balance lush festive ads against a public struggling with costs. Did they live up to the challenge?
Our judges
Jemima Bird: CEO and founder, Hello Finch
Neil Godber: executive strategy director, Wunderman Thompson
Sue Higgs: executive creative director, Dentsu Creative UK
Rob Metcalfe: chairman, Richmond & Towers
Nick Woods: strategy & creative director, Sunny Side Up
Total score: 13/25
The Carrot family are flying to Paris for Christmas – but who have they left Home Alone?
Jemima Bird: I’m so underwhelmed. Aldi launched a World-Cup-inspired teaser ad alongside its Christmas play, and the former is so much better. The Christmas ad? There’s nothing wrong with it - it’s solid and a nice callback to Home Alone, a massive part of our youth, while the charity link-up is well done. Kev winding up as a snowman’s… nose… is a giggle, but I’m confused - is Kevin the son or the hubby? There’s something Oedipus about it and why Paris for Christmas? Sorry to say, it’s meh. 3/5
Neil Godber: There’s so much to love and learn from the annual Aldi escapades of Kevin the Carrot. Consistent use of distinctive assets, recognising the power and importance of entertainment as much as messaging, over committing in production to signal quality, joining and in many cases overtaking the pack in stature of communications. This year the theme of family provides the basis for Kevin to play his namesake in Home Alone, packing in all the hit scenes we remember overlaid with endless entertaining puns: trifle tower anyone? Most of all, I applaud the way the team has followed the MAYA principle of ensuring they keep the work Most Advanced Yet Acceptable – something that even Bond struggles with. 4/5
Sue Higgs: Finally! Kevin the Carrot gets the caper he was created for. Second only to Elf as far as Christmas movies go, it’s a nice bit of festive escapism, building on last year’s Christmas Carol. The animation continues to delight and there’s a clever little nod to the world cup in there too. It feels predictable, but the nod to doing good up front is good to see. Cheeky snowman gag will surely give rise to all manner of comments - can’t wait to see them pop up in gardens all over the country. 3/5
Rob Metcalfe: Aldi-world gets weirder each year and not in a good way, and it may have finally taken leave of its carroty senses with this Home-Alone-esque extravaganza. It is utter creative gibberish, alas not redeemed by the charity link which has been shoehorned in. But the detail which suggests all involved have finally run out of ideas is that most un-Aldi-like thing, a knob gag. Hail Kevin, your festive snowman penis for 2022l. 1/5
Nick Woods: After the football-themed teaser and its lovely puns (Peasyjet, Ronaldi, MacaRooney etc), the main ad feels like a bit of a let-down. Kevin is back, but Marcus Rashford was a 2021-hit-wonder, the role of Neighbourly has shrunk and either the launch release was too thin, or there really isn’t any kind of integrated plan. Kevin is Home Alone in a paper-thin script (one good gag), meh humbug. Hope there is more money behind the teaser. An underwhelming. 2/5
Total score: 15/25
A creative dad makes a dream Christmas gift for his daughter, helped by an Amazon purchase and a borrowing spree from friends and neighbours.
Jemima Bird: Hipster dad, sporting Movember’s best ‘tache so far, buys just one Amazon item on his borrowing frenzy as a Christmas moment comes to life. Invoking community and purpose is a bold and jarring position for Amazon — the overlords of quantum consumerism — but the production, story, teddy bear… by the end you’ve been sufficiently softened. You’re left with just one outstanding question: who’s gonna pay the leccy bill? 5/5
Neil Godber: This gave me goosebumps as I watched and wondered if I pay enough attention to my children. The story follows a girl’s obsession with her snow globe, as she takes it everywhere from dining table to school to the dentist. Over time, rather than see it as a hindrance, the father ultimately takes inspiration from it to give his daughter an experience she’ll treasure. At over two minutes, the film is allowed to breathe, offering just the right level of exposition versus audience input, and allowing the viewer to apply the story to their own situation. 4/5
Sue Higgs: One for the makers and crafters and Christmas shoestringers, this is a very nicely crafted, if predictable, spot, proving Christmas doesn’t have to cost the earth. I saw the giant snow globe coming a mile off, but my overriding irk is that it feels a tad too John Lewis. If you want a joined-up customer experience, this isn’t it. 3/5
Rob Metcalfe: It’s not actively offensive, and although obviously American – where snow globes are perhaps more of an obsession – it doesn’t go out of its way to alienate UK audiences. It’s just fairly tedious. Dull man indulges peculiar daughter’s fixation at Christmas by borrowing things as well as buying a shredder from Amazon. Wow. Joy is made. Just not very well. 2/5
Nick Woods: This year the company tells us ‘joy is made’ with a heart-warming story of the lengths a dad would go to, to create a human-sized snow globe for his daughter. Definitely not a time to mention the joy Big Jeff (allegedly) wasn’t making for his domestic employees. Real-life corporate reputation undermining adland fantasy. 1/5
Total score: 16/25
A party-hosting couple realise they have rather more guests on the way than they are prepared for, and turn to Argos for last-minute help.
Jemima Bird: Recent Argos Christmas ads have been big-budget and bang-on, but this pares back the glitter and jazz hands for something more humble in production (if a little apocalyptic in storytelling). It’s a nod that lockdown’s in the rearview, plus a Jaws pun, with the sense the population has gone a bit bonkers. Much of that’s welcome, but this ain’t winning awards. 2/5
Neil Godber: Argos has positioned itself as the shop to help you cope with the influx of guests, unwanted or otherwise, this Christmas. The work carries you along as the hordes of friends and relatives bear down on the hosts, packed with lots of nice touches including a hatred of squirty cream and the excessive demands of new parents. However, whilst it may be a truth that we all suffer a slight dread at the thought of droves of guests, I’m not sure this does enough to position Argos as a better solution than Amazon for the things we only need on special occasions. 3/5
Sue Higgs: Over the years I’ve seen plenty of mob-turning-up kind of ads, but never so relatable than at Christmas. It’s manic, funny, characterful and stands out from the ‘sadvertising’ space. It lands the point with the solid strategy delivered in the endline: ‘They’re coming. Be ready.’ 3/5
Rob Metcalfe: This is a well-made and very funny slice of British humour which, even better, bears repeat watching. It neatly taps into all those home entertaining anxieties that surface at Christmas, as well as the potential ghastliness of the visitors. And it subtly subverts Christmas excess. The answer to life, the universe and everything might just be a bigger bowl from Argos. 4/5
Nick Woods: Lots of people will identify with this one and recognise that, while we all love our friends and family, they can bring ‘challenges’ when arriving en masse. Aunts that ‘like a drink’, mad uncles with s**t cracker jokes, neurotic new mums, people staying longer than you’d hoped and kids who are allowed to be terrifying/aggressive/horrible “because it’s Christmas”. Deliciously observed, great copy-writing. It had me at the squirty cream wretch. Bonkers, like Argos. 4/5
Total score: 18/25
It’s a Sin star Lydia West plays a woman who finds some magic glasses on a bus, and sees another world where life is more Christmassy and joyous.
Jemima Bird: The spectacles are a really nice play. It points at the expanse of Boots products, but also at the adage of the new pair of glasses to change your perspective. Times are crap, but with a new pair of glasses we can look again to find joy. An upbeat soundtrack (You Make My Dreams by Hall & Oates) and boxes bursting with Boots Christmas lines means we stay the right side of glitzy.3/5
Neil Godber: The glasses are an easy device for Boots to show off its wide range of gift ideas for everyone, and the theme of giving what people really value, rather than endless stocking fillers, should chime with everyone. 3/5
Sue Higgs: The idea may be nicked from that film ‘They Live’, but who doesn’t want this for friends and family? No matter what kind of dystopia we’re in by mid-winter, we can all dream of spreading a little joy. 3/5
Rob Metcalfe: At last, a Christmas ad with a creative idea. Cleverly made, beautifully acted and a neat reminder that Boots is more than just a chemist. It’s certainly a joyful ad, and that’s a rarity in any festive season. 5/5
Nick Woods: An actual insight: the best presents come from really knowing the receiver. Yay. But Boots is The Stocking Filler Shop, and this seems to neither celebrate nor overcome this. And being the first brand in the UK to use the TikTok Story Selection format seems oddly left-field, or interestingly experimental, depending on your POV. A hard-working ad. 4/5
Total score: 23/25
Will Ferrell’s Buddy the Elf gets a job in Asda.
Jemima Bird: This one just gets better and better. Elf checkout. The costs to license the film and stitch (a much younger) Will Ferrell into ASDA circa 2022 must have been pretty heavy, but the result is unadulterated kindness, joy and happiness as a momentary whiff of Hollywood magic sucks us out of the dreck and into the Christmas spirit. Cuteness, escapism and a callback to simpler times - what’s not to love? 5/5
Neil Godber: Well done Asda! The brand has done a top job cutting through the Christmas clutter with a highly entertaining, fame driving campaign. The closeness and empathy of the colleagues has always been one of the brand’s superpowers and Asda has done a brilliant job of meshing together hugely entertaining moments from one of the world’s favourite Christmas movies Elf with the instore experience. More than any individual products, it’s the production and craft that are on display, making the interplay between film and ad seamless – you find yourself namechecking the quotes and enjoying how they’ve been worked into the ad. Rather than try to show off better than ranges with people eagerly sitting around a table, this is a highly distinctive approach, leveraging the strength of the colleagues in a way that will appeal to families who love their kids, big or small, and makes Asda my kind of place this Christmas. Well worth repeat viewing.5/5
Sue Higgs: I’m calling it now. Asda has won Christmas because Elf is Christmas. You get all of Buddy’s best lines, elevating the relatable real-life characters and product shots, and the puns are great – Elf Checkout! I doff my elven cap to agency and client for getting 007 directing royalty Danny Kleinman on board, because the craft really delivers, turning a clever idea into Christmas magic. I like smiling too, Buddy. And I love this. 5/5
Rob Metcalfe: I might be able to watch this more than a few times without it getting stale, if only to work out where the joins are between Will Ferrell, the CGI, a stunt double and the real world. It’s a clever idea and nicely done, if not quite seamless, and in a sea of festive ad tedium, might just be different enough for people to remember the store. Also gets a bonus point for not featuring an overfilled Christmas dinner table. 4/5
Nick Woods: Who needs integration when you have Buddy? It’s a Fact of Christmas that everyone loves Buddy, even when he’s selling Asda’s Christmas foods. The elves at Framestore are the heroes here, lifting Buddy out of his original home and building an Asda store around him, allowing everyone to giggle at how brilliantly they’ve done it. Budget blown (and some) on the TVC… punters will love it. They might even remember it’s for Asda. A crowd-pleaser. 4/5
John Lewis
Total score: 24/25
JLP highlights the importance of (spoiler alert) foster caring, as a middle-aged man’s motive for learning to skateboard is revealed.
Jemima Bird: This year’s John Lewis ad is much more subdued than usual. It keeps you guessing. Is this about the little things? Is it old dogs and new tricks? Is it a mid-life crisis? No, it’s so much better. This is a worthy, understated heart-wrencher. Real emotion with a great message – job done, John Lewis. 5/5
Neil Godber: It doesn’t have the fantasy of previous Christmases, but in an age where brands can mean and do more for the communities they serve, it continues the push made from the earlier Moments campaign, positioning John Lewis closer to the needs of real people. 4/5
Sue Higgs: John Lewis has made one of its most heart-warming ads in years. It’s tender and delicate, with kindness at its centre. I appreciate this on many levels – kindness is what we need right now and they’ve read the cost of living room beautifully. 5/5
Rob Metcalfe: You’d have to be a terrible old curmudgeon not to fall for JL’s expertly produced emotional blackmail. Having long given up on the grubby business of actually selling things, JL’s seasonal offerings seem designed to provoke warmth and tears. On that level it works wonderfully. 5/5
Nick Woods: No glitz or glamour, no shiny baubles or presents, just heart-warming brilliance. Christmas is about giving, and what better ‘small things’ to give than your home, life and dodgy old-man knees to someone you don’t know, but who is in need. Heart-warming. 5/5
Total score: 12/25
A girl puts a shrunken Lidl Christmas jumper on her teddy bear, and suddenly it attracts attention wherever it goes. Lidl also has ‘bear’s toy bank’ in stores where shoppers can donate unopened gifts for local children in need of support.
Jemima Bird: I sense some cynical, childless 30-somethings came up with this. Its sentiment and story could have been so dreamy and magical yet they stomped on any notion of warmth with sarcastic winks and nods. Apparently, breaking the fourth wall (ET, digs at competitors, pap-culture, TikTok) was more important than telling a relatable, fluffy Christmas story. It gets one point, though, as I can’t wait for the sequel: Lidl Bear’s New Year bender. 1/5
Neil Godber: Lidl has taken its ability to give quality you can believe in at Christmas, in a tale of the emptiness of fame through the eyes of a little girl’s bear. Rather than using familiar Christmas tropes, charmingly brought to life, Lidl should be commended for trying something different. However, the dizzying speed and façade of fame feel like things the brand could have brought to life at any time, and at this time, I’m not sure the work does enough to make people genuinely care. 2/5
Sue Higgs: I’ll be honest, I’m not sure what’s going on here. I think they’re trying to be all up to date and modern, like all proper for the social media lot, but alas the result is forced and self-referential. I’m not sure who put what in the Christmas pud, but it’s all bit weird, but not good weird. Last year’s cute jumper has becomes this year’s industry in joke. Narrative complete, said no one ever. So the result lacks emotion and connection. I can see what they were trying to do, but not sure who will care for this little bear. 2/5
Rob Metcalfe: This looks like a clever attack by Lidl on Aldi for its stuffed Christmas character obsession, but on reflection I think Lidl really wants to join the club and make its bear a thing. Perhaps because of that, the ad can’t seem to make up its mind whether its cynical or sweet, although the flashes of humour suggest the former. Whatever, I can’t see it pulling in the punters. 3/5
Nick Woods: This combines their classic low-budget fare with something which has a whiff of knowing adland smuggery. What is really appealing is beyond the ad; Lidl isn’t selling the bear to already hard-pressed customers but instead using it to inspire a Christmas Toy Bank giving new & unopened toys to local kids in need which it’s kicking off with a £125k donation. If only more retailers spent more on actions, community and relationships at Christmas, and less on shiny ads. A generous 4/5.
See more: Watch all the supermarkets’ Christmas ads here
M&S Food
Total score: 12/25
M&S’s Dawn French-voiced Christmas fairy magics to life a dog’s toy duck, voiced by Jennifer Saunders, to showcase the retailer’s Christmas food.
Jemima Bird: If French and Saunders can’t save your Chrimbo ad then it’s time for some soul-searching. Year in, year out we see M&S spank the talent budget on big-name-stars and year in, year out the results are mediocre. There’s no story, no hook, no standout one-liners. There’s nothing memorable here - a bunch of stuff happens for 90-long-seconds. The food looks good, though, so there’s that. 1/5
Neil Godber: M&S always puts on a magical show for Christmas and this year is no exception, as Dawn French’s tree ornament fairy brings to life a chewed-up dog toy voiced by her long-term partner Jennifer Saunders. The choice of actors is a smart one, as M&S has done well to strike the balance between finding national treasures in the comedy duo combined with a renewed push for distinctive asset characters to work hard in their communications. The ad itself works well to sprinkle a little story to a showcase the fact that this is not just food, this is M&S Christmas food. 3/5
Sue Higgs: M&S has got fairy’s friend to join in the festive fun in duck form and various adventures and merch opportunities ensue. Who could resist getting French and Saunders back together? She’s the M to her S. The Food is looking triple X rated “porn” whilst also reading the cost-of-living room. M&S is on reassuring, if safe, form with this year’s outing. But given the challenge of getting the tone right this year, they can’t be blamed for sticking to a successful formula. Love that Wylie is a rescue dog from Battersea too, nice touch. 3/5
Rob Metcalfe: Augmenting Dawn French’s unpleasant festive fairy with Jennifer Saunders as a threadbare duck fails to make M&S’s Xmas ads any more likeable. It’s badly written, and the set ups just get in the way of what the ad really wants to do which is show us pure M&S food porn. There must be better ways of doing this. 3/5
Nick Woods: Wot, no Percy? This year Dawn French’s Fairy is supported not by one of the nation’s favourites and the star of Christmas 2021, but by… a lame duck. The storyline is, ahem, ‘loose’ and the copywriting laboured as they plod towards describing some of M&S’s latest foodie offerings. The pud and crostinis look delish but is an M&S Collection Christmas Sourdough Loaf among their best offerings? #ThisIsJustNotGoodEnough. 2/5
Total score: 13/25
A boy makes a very long Christmas list only to lose it in the wind – but manages to retain the most important part.
Jemima Bird: Little Jonny’s Christmas greed got an early eye-roll, but in the end all he needs is mum, dad and a Happy Meal. It’s nice enough and points are due, but two things: one, serious wit deficiency, mum and dad. The wind takes letters to the North Pole – everyone knows that. And two: where’s the cuddly dog in this 2.4 family fairytale? Maccy Ds… you’re better than this. 3/5
Neil Godber: Whilst the theme is sure to be prescient this Christmas, I worry this could have been for many brands wanting to promise togetherness and sharing over gifting and giving. So, on my wishlist would be more of the McDonald’s brand. 2/5
Sue Higgs: Very on the money cost of living-wise, with everyone tightening their belts – can you even tighten your belt on a McDs? But it’s good to spread the message that family is what really counts, and is what every child wants. 3/5
Rob Metcalfe: Plinky plonky piano music, muted vocals and a wistful child can mean only one thing. Yes, it’s emotional manipulation. It’s nicely shot and the performances are good, but it does feel same old, same old. 3/5
Nick Woods: I wish McDonald’s would stop wanting to be John Lewis for Christmas. It doesn’t work. Mawkish soundtrack to the story of a greedy kid who wants everything until he visits Maccy Ds with his parents, and realises they’re all he really wants. Please. Way too syrupy for me, but no doubt some people will be reduced to tears. 2/5
Total score: 10/25
‘Farmer Christmas’ returns to show us how his elves make Morrisons festive dishes in a Christmassy warehouse.
Jemima Bird: I swear Farmer Christmas’s accent starts in Barnsley (I should know) and gets more and more Swansea as our 90 seconds drag by. There’s no story here, no magic, no smarts - it’s just a cheap-looking waltz in a food factory before building to an OTT Christmas banquet. “Nice ride mister” shouts a bespectacled be-bicycled neighbourhood scamp and suddenly we’re in 1950s US suburbia. Accents galore - I need a compass and a lie down. 1/5
Neil Godber: Morrisons has used its farm to fork credentials in a Farmer Christmas pun. The lead character drives the narrative on a festive tractor through a Morrisons warehouse preparing festive food, as he closes in on the family dinner table, stealing the seat of the absent dad. Emphasising the food production and retailing total loop of Morrisons is a distinctive strength, but the creative idea fails by falling between telling us what to think, interspersed with moments of knowing humour. It’s a shame because Morrisons has the chance to play a much bigger role at Christmas and beyond. 1/5
Sue Higgs: Farmer Christmas is an idea with so much potential. But alas I don’t believe in Farmer Christmas. This is as flat as the fields he ploughed. As the only ‘farmer approved’ supermarket, they could have properly dug into where the food comes from. Or really gone to town on the food shots. But it’s all just nice. The food looks nice. Staff seem nice. Family nice. And we all deserve more than just a nice Christmas. 2/5
Rob Metcalfe: Farmer Christmas gets revived with a starring role this year neatly underlining Morrisons’ much touted support for British farmers, without overstating its case too much. He’s not as likeable as he (or Morrisons) think he is, and a bit more undercutting of his pomposity (as in the ‘magic ovens’ exchange) would be welcome, but maybe there are more cuts to come. Shame about the groaning table at the end. 3/5
Nick Woods: The difficult second album? Farmer Christmas, introduced last year, is a neat way of celebrating Morrison’s fresh food provenance, but the first creative this year feels like a bit of a let-down as he makes his way through what looks like The Repair Shop. The supporting cast of comms activity feels strong however, with Morrisons doing more than most (all?) of the competition to help cash-strapped customers balance the excess of Christmas and context of current times. Could do better. 3/5
Total score: 10/25
A cook must come up with an alternative Christmas dessert after a fussy countess – played by ITV This Morning presenter Alison Hammond – declares she doesn’t like Christmas pudding. Wheatus’ Teenage Dirtbag is the soundtrack.
Jemima Bird: Jesus. I’ve watched it several times and can’t get beyond just Jesus. Pomp, pageantry, princesses, paupers… it hardly seems in keeping with the mood and timbre of the moment. Do we think the marketing team began planning their opulent banquet before Trussonomics ballsed-up the UK? Maybe. Oh, and caramelised biscuit or not, how is a tiny pudding that size going to feed the table? Is it magic? 0/5
Neil Godber: Sainsbury’s has done a great job of smashing together Alison Hammond, a theatrical Christmas staged feel (almost panto), the tension of judges voting on stressed out bakers, Teenage Dirtbag, and an awkward truth that maybe not everyone loves Christmas pudding. The work feels hugely populist and above all enjoyable and fun, which is something Sainsbury’s historically always managed to inject into their good food offer. 4/5
Sue Higgs: Sainsbury’s put their money on talent and a track, both of which I like very much. But I never would have thought of putting a minstrel rendition of Wheetus’ Teenage Dirtbag, Tudor courtiers and Alison Hammond all together. Taste the Difference personified? Perhaps. Hammond does a good job considering she’s not an actress, but much like Christmas pudding, it’s not to everyone’s taste. 3/5
Rob Metcalfe: There’s something quite unpleasant about the sentiment behind this ad. But if you are a festive diva, who won’t eat a Christmas dinner unless it’s made exactly the way you like it (and sod anyone else), then Sainsbury’s is clearly the store for you. Alison Hammond stars, and plays the role so well, that you definitely wouldn’t invite her round for the festivities. 2/5
Nick Woods: Alison Hammond as the personification of “fun and light-hearted Christmas cheer” is a bit random. Her character, The Countess… random. An acoustic version of Teenage Dirtbag… WTF? There’s even a fleeting, random, World Cup reference. The press release claiming this as “a light-hearted tale” has missed the word ‘almost’, and it all feels more Taste the Blandness than Taste the Difference. The supporting two-day Christmas pud pop-up in Holborn in late November feels equally meh. An easily forgotten. 1/5
Total score: 17/25
Tesco’s ‘Christmas party broadcast’ promises a celebration (on budget) with mild political satire.
Jemima Bird: I like the p*** take on the party-political broadcast in a year where politics has frustrated/bored/depressed us to oblivion. This one’s big on energy, light, noise, products and positivity. It’s a bit kitchen-sink but does feel bob-on trend given the gloom cloud we’re all sat under. Wheelie-bin choreography, why not. And who doesn’t want a bit of extra-party-hat-for-the-dog joy this December? 4/5
Neil Godber: Tesco has embraced its position as the nation’s grocer in an anthemic spot, built to mobilise the country to join the Christmas party full of joy. The creative conceit of positioning the brand as a political Christmas party is a distinctive one that should work in all media and the work is packed with nice touches including when the bins will be collected. If I had a gripe, I genuinely feel that Tesco can act like a political or social party and actually do more to tackle the issues of Britain. Maybe that’s what they are already doing- if that’s the case, then the creative which borders in satire could have been a little more purposeful. 4/5
Sue Higgs: They’re right. We do need a little joy after the last two years. But this isn’t it. Is there anything Less joyful than a party-political broadcast? It feels like they got carried away with a not very good pun. It might work as a series of cutdowns (unlike most Christmas ads), but they could be for any supermarket. Their greatest differentiator, the Clubcard, is lost in the small print. Like most political parties, it seems to have lost its message and is not delivering its manifesto. Lost my vote. 2/5
Rob Metcalfe: This feels a tone deaf in the current climate. There’s some satire to be had at politicians’ expense, but it’s probably not Tesco’s job to deliver it because they simply won’t let themselves be scathing or vicious enough. Even within those confines, the writing is as lame as Rudolph on Boxing Day, so it’s all rather tame. The result is a bit like the LibDems. A good idea, but no fun. 3/5
Nick Woods: Spot-on judging the mood of the nation – yes, we want a party, but we also want it to come in just under our (limited) budget thanks very much. Great script. Great voiceover. The launch release doesn’t enlighten as to what the integrated campaign looks like, but it feels like an idea with lots of legs. Is this The Final Countdown to Christmas or national implosion, and does it matter? A zeitgeisty 4/5
Total score: 14/25
Waitrose puts food front & centre, from production to a lively Christmas dinner, where a child is unhappy about not getting a pig in blanket.
Jemima Bird: Much like Waitrose food, the ad’s a visual treat and beautifully produced. A whistle-stop tour through heatwaves and harvests assures the viewer Waitrose thinks Christmas all year round. It’s all very worthy – until we land on the obligatory high-end dinner and little Billy’s pining for his pigs. 2/5
Neil Godber: In a festive season that’s bound to have many shoppers questioning whether they can shop from other grocers and wondering if it’s worth going to Waitrose, the brand has reasserted its quality food credentials in a strong piece of work. 4/5
Sue Higgs: Visceral sound editing and cinematography work hard to drive home the quality point. The result is the most appetising Christmas table of all the supermarkets. 3/5
Rob Metcalfe: I can understand the marketing need for a festive ad, but if you haven’t got a creative idea, just save the money. Nobody would have minded! And we’d all have been spared the horrible child at the end. 2/5
Nick Woods: Waitrose food is brilliant, provenance matters to the Waitrose consumer, and the idea that producing this year’s Christmas food began in January and continued all year feels original and relevant. My quibble would be that I expect more integration from Waitrose. Where’s the in-store, experiential, ESG, PR and/or social to add a little depth? It’s OK. 3/5
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