There’s the faintest whiff of that TikTok trend about ‘getting your Gen Z employee to write your ad’ about Tesco’s latest effort, which engages with another social media sport: judging people’s meal deal choices.

Our ad’s star posts about how his Tesco selection “slaps harder than ever” (mild cringe), only to get a real-life response from a nearby frowny builder, who reckons it’s “two out of 10 at best”. Soon the whole town’s chiming in.

For some reason we get a gross close-up of a fitness freak squidging an “egg pot” into his gob, but for the most part the “new and improved” deals look good, with lots of variety.

There’s a risk an ad like this – in which no one understands the concept of ‘each to their own’ – may alert shoppers to the possibility of buying a ‘bad’ lunch. But it’s likely to stir more than a few debates among viewers, too.