Mars Foods has appointed a leading rice authority to the new role of strategic rice expert in a bid to improve its production and breeding programmes.

David Mackill, one of the world's top experts on rice plant breeding, genetics and biotechnology, took up the role of strategic rice expert at Mars Foods' R&D division this week.

His brief is to galvanise a global network of rice researchers, research institutions and government agencies into investigating new advances in rice production and breeding programmes. Although his work will initially focus on rice, it will later be extended to other key plant crops such as tomatoes.

By harnessing the knowledge of the global rice science community, Mars Foods, which makes Uncle Ben's rice, said it would be able to work towards sustainable sourcing and nutrition, as well as cutting wastage from crop disease. "David will channel the world's leading scientific expertise into Mars," added Marc Turcan, vice president of R&D and supply for the Global Mars Foods business.

Mackill was recruited from the International Rice Research Institute, which aims to cut hunger by improving the health of rice farmers and consumers. At IRRI he was principal scientist for plant breeding, genetics and biotech and led the development of more than 20 rice cultivars adapted to the growing conditions in southern Asia.