Mars is launching into the sports milkshake market by packaging its Refuel chocolate drink in a sports cap bottle.

The move, which also flags up its 2% fat content more prominently, puts Mars in a position to dominate the category, which is currently only occupied by For Goodness Shakes!.

The launch of the 475ml sports cap bottle is intended to cash in on the popularity of that format in the water sector and move the brand securely into the sports market.

In May, Mars rebranded its drinks as Refuel and added findings from sports research carried out by Northumbria University to its packaging. It highlights that in a study of cyclists, those who drank Refuel after exercise were able to continue for up to 50% longer in their next session compared with those who drank specialist sports drinks.

Andrea Taylor, trade relations manager for Mars, said the sports cap would appeal to people who exercise but also those who need "that extra bit of energy while on the go".

The sports milkshake category was untapped until four years ago when My Goodness launched For Goodness Shakes!.

Jeremy Martin, marketing director and co-founder of My Goodness, said Mars' entry meant there was scope for the category to grow enormously.

"It's great news for us. When we entered the market it was full of sugary sweet kids' stuff and we decided it was time that dairy beverages grew up. We're all about making milk a credible ingredient, and Mars moving into sports caps means we have a major brand targeting adults with a milk product."

Martin added that he hoped it would lead to supermarkets re-evaluating where the fixture fits in stores. "Milk is more effective at rehydrating you after exercise, but how many millions of sugary watery drinks are sold for that purpose? Why shouldn't these products be on the shelf next to Lucozade?" added Martin.

Mars' Family Refuel carton has also been overhauled with new packaging featuring comments from Paralympic sportsmen.

The Refuel sports cap is available from next week and has an rsp of £1.19.