McVitie's has really taken the biscuit in this week's Promotrack survey carried out by Assosia. Biscuit and cake brands accounted for 9% of promotional activity last weekend, placing the category in fourth place in terms of overall featured space.

McVitie's accounted for a whopping 41% of that activity, 17 base points ahead of its nearest rival. Promotions centred on traditional as well as newly launched lines such as McVitie's Heat to Treat cakes. All five retailers had allocated promotional space to the brand and the mechanics included x-for-y, bogof and save.

However, the battle for the remaining four places continues to intensify. Mr Kipling took second place with 24% of featured space. Sainsbury's, recorded most activity, featuring the Mr

Kipling 6-pack cakes range on x-for-y.

Cadbury secured third place, 10 base points behind Mr Kipling with a 14% share of space. Offers were available in all retailers except Somerfield. X-for-y was used by all except Sainsbury's, which preferred 'save'.

Burton's brands, which include Viscount, Jammie Dodgers and Wagan Wheels, but excludes anything produced under licence for Cadbury, were available in Asda, Sainsbury and Tesco, accounting for 8% of activity, putting it in fourth place. The primary mechanic again was x-for-y with only Tesco offering lines on buy-one-get-one-free.

Two players shared fifth place, Lyons and Nestlé, both with 6% of activity. Lyons was present in Asda and Morrisons, with Nestlé only on featured space promotion in Asda.

McVitie's has increased its share from 36% to 46% since 2006 and is now an impressive 29 base points ahead of its closest competitor, Fox's. However, Fox's has moved into second place with a 17% share of activity and Mr Kipling into joint third with Cadbury's with 13%. In fifth place, knocking Nestlé out of the top five chart, is Burton's, accounting for 10%.

Second place in 2006 was held by Cadbury with 21%, ahead of Fox's, which took 19%. Nestlé was fourth with 14% and Mr Kipling fifth on 10%.