All Meat articles – Page 153

  • News

    Fairtrade certification for fisheries by 2011?


    The Fairtrade Foundation and the Marine Stewardship Council are working together on a project to allow Fairtrade certification of fish by 2011, The Grocer can reveal. The two bodies embarked on a three-phase collaborative project this May when...

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    Weak sterling yields 12% hike for pork producers


    Pork prices are starting to rise at retail as farmers obtain higher prices and weaker sterling makes exporting more attractive to UK producers, says Michael Barker

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    Thrifty shoppers switch to pouting and pollack


    Consumers switching to lower-cost fish and endorsement by celebrity chefs have helped double pollack and pouting sales. Morrisons reported this week that sales of pouting were up by more than 100% and pollack by 97%, albeit from a low base, while...

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    QSM label moved to front of Tesco pork


    Tesco has moved the British Quality Standard Mark on to the front of pork packs to underline its support for struggling British pig producers. The supermarket previously included the marque on the backs and sides of packs, but has now printed some...

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    Venison pizza ready to debut in Scotland


    A venison pizza, thought to be the first commercially available on a wide scale, will make its debut in Sainsbury’s stores in the first week of November. The pizza has been developed by game processor Highland Game and Scottish-Italian pizza...

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    Browning launches nitrite-free salami


    Organic producer Helen Browning has produced a nitrite-free salami aimed at consumers looking for food with nothing added. Nitrites were originally adopted to allow safe curing in the absence of reliable refrigeration and the company had been...

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    Loch Duart acquires Salar Smokehouse


    Scottish salmon farmer Loch Duart has moved into the value-added sector with the acquisition of Hebridean smokery Salar Smokehouse. Loch Duart sells fresh salmon through fish counters in Sainsbury’s and other outlets, and was already supplying...

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    Irish blast EU criticism of bovine TB controls


    Fears have been raised over the safety of Irish beef for human consumption following the publication of a damning EU report on bovine TB. The report, prepared by the EU Food and Veterinary Office (FVO), claimed that while the eradication campaign...

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    Scots put fish farms at heart of economy


    A Scottish government strategy document that puts aquaculture at the heart of the Scottish economy has been welcomed by producer organisations. The Scottish government last week launched a consultation for a Renewed Strategic Framework for Scottish...

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    Shoppers show how game they really are


    Game sales are soaring on the back of celebrity chef endorsements, the meats’ health credentials and renewed consumer interest in classic British cuisine. The game market rose 64% to £64m between 2002 and 2007 [Mintel] and sales growth is predicted...

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    Spotlight: Cornwall Quality Livestock Producers


    It is quite a challenge for producers to match supply with demand in the independent food retailing sector, says Catherine Broomfield of marketing group Cornwall Quality Livestock Producers You would think that in a market where both demand and...

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    New standards set for Co-op’s sourcing of fish


    The Co-operative Group has set out its stall to be the UK’s leading sustainable fish retailer with the launch of a new corporate policy supporting good fishing practice. The Responsible Fish Sourcing Policy, launched this week, was developed in...

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    A fresh ‘earthier’ logo for Bernard Matthews


    Bernard Matthews has unveiled a new look logo as part of a major overhaul of its brand and range.  The turkey producer has replaced the old red-ribbon swirl with a more earthy logo in a bid to reflect its roots as a farming entity. Product packaging...

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    Brits lose appetite for ‘unhealthy’ pork pies


    The humble pork pie could be the latest victim of health-conscious consumers’ changing habits. Value sales slumped 5.6% to £132m in the 12 months to 13 July [Bpex] and volume sales fell 4.7%. The main reason for the decline was the pork pie’s...

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    Morrisons to stock Natures Nest eggs


    Morrisons to stock Natures Nest eggs: Morrisons is stocking a new line of environmentally friendly eggs that meet high animal welfare standards. Natures Nest eggs, which will be sold in 150 Morrisons stores in Cumbria and Cambridgeshire, come from farmers with biodiversity action plans...

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    Family affair: Maunder buys up butchers chain


    Family affair: Maunder buys up butchers chain: Andrew Maunder is promising a ‘butchers revival’ after buying out the Lloyd Maunder butchers chain. Maunder acquired the 13 shops, located in Devon and Cornwall, from the family’s company Lloyd Maunder Holdings last week, having been in charge of…

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    FSA salt targets blasted


    The Food Standards Agency has been warned it risks driving an upsurge in cases of botulism through its campaign to reduce salt levels in food. Salt-reduction targets on cured meats, ham and bacon were not only “totally unrealistic”, but also...

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    Whistle blown on mislabelled beef


    A Northern Irish meat processor that supplies the multiples has been found to have mislabelled Brazilian beef in a clear contravention of the regulations, according to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. Dunbia Dungannon, part of…

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    UK chicken industry set for merger wave


    So it’s finally started. For years, experts have been predicting a wave of consolidation in the meat processing industry. And now, two of the biggest poultry producers have fallen into foreign hands. First, there was Grampian Country…

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    What's in a filling? Well, you're about to find out


    Fancy a reformed chicken sandwich? Or one containing ham made from 5% water? They don't sound too enticing, do they? Yet, these are exactly the sort of descriptions that could soon become the norm on the front of sandwich packs if proposals made...