All Meat articles – Page 158

  • News

    Maunder gears up for shift to higher welfare


    Poultry specialist Lloyd Maunder plans to switch more chicken production to higher-welfare systems in the wake of recent TV exposés of the chicken industry.

    The company has held discussions with its farmers to ascertain the extent to…

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    Stand by your ham, urge singing farmers


    Pig farmers have recorded a single in an attempt to raise awareness of the unsustainably low prices they claim to receive.The single was recorded in London on Thursday and featured 20 pig farmers from around the country singing Stand By...

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    Half egg sales are free-range


    Retail sales of free-range eggs rose by almost 20% in volume and 46% in value in the first four weeks of 2008, with four in every 10 eggs sold at retail now free-range.According to TNS data issued by British Lion eggs, free-range now...

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    M&S: we will buy out-of-season lamb


    M&S has committed to buying British lamb out of season provided farmers can guarantee quality.

    Chief executive Stuart Rose made the pledge at the NFU conference after he was challenged on M&S’s policy of buying New Zealand lamb to fill…

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    Talking shop - Pig producers are under serious threat and that unless they get higher prices there could be major shortages of UK pigmeat


    Michael Sloyan, chief executive of the British Pig Executive, says pig producers are under serious threat and that unless they get higher prices there could be major shortages of UK pigmeat. In the late 1990s there was a collapse in the pig price....

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    Consumers 'switching to free-range chicken'


    Nearly two fifths of consumers have switched from buying intensively farmed to free-range chicken since last month's Big Food Fight TV programmes.Some 38% of shoppers questioned as part of research by G2 Data Dynamics said they had...

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    NFU on warpath over South American beef


    Beef suppliers in Uruguay and Argentina are getting better terms from UK supermarkets than their UK counterparts, the NFU has claimed. Since the EU placed a month-long ban on Brazilian beef imports, Uruguayan and Argentinian suppliers...

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    AGE PROFILE of prawn consumersChildren0-104%11-165%Male17-3411%35-6421%65+8%Female17-3412%35-6427%65+12%Info: Usage overview of prawns. Year ending...

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    Young's: let's teach people to love coley


    Coley could be the next big growth area in fish if it was marketed more effectively, according to leading fish producer Young's Seafood.The fish, which is dull white in colour and from the same family as cod, is currently mostly sold as...

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    Noble left with egg on its face after ad breach


    Noble Foods has lost "tens of thousands" of potential customers this week after it was forced to delay an ad campaign for eggs because the children's song it featured was found in breach of rules banning kids making health claims.The...

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    Price Survey - 9th February 2008


    Morrisons' reign as Britain's cheapest retailer didn't last long. Asda reclaimed its crown this week with a £44.13 basket, while Sainsbury's leapfrogged Tesco and Morrisons to snatch second place. Despite doubling the price of minced beef, Asda...

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    Here's the £1.99 chicken from Tesco


    Tesco has been accused of sending out confusing messages to consumers over its latest chicken pricing strategy.In a bid to appeal to shoppers on a tight budget, standard whole birds will be reduced to £1.99 from £3.30 for five...

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    Venison set for mainstream


    Venison has become the fastest-growing meat product in Asda, the retailer has revealed. Sales had soared and the meat would be one of the major food trends this year, said Asda meat buyer Jim Viggars. "It's healthy, easy and...

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    Retailers urged to give UK lamb more support


    The NFU has launched a scheme to name and praise retailers that support British lamb - and name and shame those that don't. This week, the union unveiled 'Lamb Storewatch', a scheme to check the provenance and price of lamb products in...

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    Farmers' wives police pork labelled as Irish


    Farmers' wives have been roped in to policing supermarket meat counters in the Republic of Ireland in a campaign to stop imported pork products being passed off as Irish. The women have been recruited as unofficial auditors by the Irish...

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    Mole Valley Farmers retail sales hit £66m


    Greater promotion and emphasis on regional foods has helped rural retailer Mole Valley Farmers to increase sales by 6.3%. The south west farmer-owned co-operative announced a £4m sales increase in its retail division to £66m last year...

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    AGE PROFILE of cold beef consumersChildren0-106%11-164%Male17-3411%35-6428%65+12%Female17-348%35-6420%65+12%Info: Usage overview of cold...

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    Lamb sales lifted by autumn promotion


    Retail lamb sales jumped an average of 8.6% in England over the last three months of 2007 on the back of a high-profile autumn marketing campaign.TNS data shows retail sales of lamb in England were up 6.2% year-on-year in October, 15.9%...

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    In the can


    Brazilian shortages lead to beef price hikeAs the demand for beef continues to rise, Brazil is struggling to meet outstanding orders due to a shortage of cattle, and sources in São Paulo see no let-up in the situation. Market...

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    Tesco to phase out imported veal


    Tesco has pledged to phase out sales of imported veal and instead stock British meat from calves bred to higher welfare standards.Some 930 farmers who supply Tesco with milk have agreed not to export their dairy calves, and the chain's beef...