All Meat articles – Page 183

  • News

    Cranswick reports success from pork products


    Strong growth in fresh pork sales has ensured an 8% increase in turnover to £144.3m for food producer Cranswick for the six months to September 30.The success of fresh pork sales as well as continued growth in charcuterie sales led to a 11%...

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    More Falklands lamb for UK


    The Falkland Islands is gearing up to export 40,000 tonnes of lamb annually to the UK within five years.This year was the first time farmers on the islands have exported meat, successfully shipping 2,000 lamb and 20,000 mutton carcases – all...

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    Beef price war ‘destroying value’


    There is growing disquiet in the meat supply chain about what appears to be a beef price war between the UK’s two largest grocers, Tesco and Asda.Of particular concern to farmers is the intensity of competition on minced beef which accounts for...

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    Bacon and excellence


    Bacon suppliers were asked to nominate their favourite buyers, based on accessibility, communication and negotiation skills, and promises delivered. Ian Lovell, Morrisons’ senior buyer, received several nominations from suppliers who said he treated...

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    Organic farmer scoops top award


    Lincolnshire-based mixed farmer Andrew Dennis has been named Producer of the Year in the Soil Association’s Organic Food Awards.Dennis, who produces beef, turkeys, sheep and a range of organic vegetable and salads, impressed judges with how he...

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    Spam’s portraits of a nation


    Spam is to make its television advertising debut after 63 years on shelf as part of a £2m advertising spend behind the brand.Hormel Foods’ chopped pork and ham product was introduced to the UK during the Second World War as part of the US...

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    PGI works breakthrough magic


    Welsh meat processor St Merryn’s has landed another export coup, securing a contract to supply European retail giant Auchan with Welsh lamb for its Italian stores.The Protected Geographical Indication status meat will go on sale in November in...

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    TV first for Welsh lamb


    Welsh meat is to be featured in television adverts for the first time as part of a £600,000 campaign by Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) that uses lines of poetry.The advertisements feature a Dylan Thomas-style voiceover and will go out on HTV, S4C,...

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    Lord Whitty Brit-beefs up Sial


    There was plenty of optimism among the British contingent at this week’s Sial as exhibitors received good news, positive feedback and a raft of leads.British red meat producers had most to celebrate as not only did food and farming minister...

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    UK award winners


    Two UK companies picked up Sial d’Or awards at the show. Duchy Originals won the organic product category for its Beef & Ale Casserole, while Angel Technology won the UK award for its cholesterol-busting cheese alternative Heartily Healthy.But...

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    Pork space squeezed


    English supermarkets are cutting back on the amount of space they give on their shelves to fresh British pork, according to September’s PorkWatch survey.Results suggest that of the leading three multiples, only Asda had given over more space to...

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    Flag up domestic virtues - NBA


    Forster, speaking at a red meat conference, listed the arguments he believed could persuade the multiples to buy home-killed beef. “It’s impossible to import more beef without reducing quality and assurance standards. And retailers using...

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    Dungannon loses JS beef


    Sainsbury is cutting Dungannon Meats out of its fresh beef supply chain and will in future source all of its fresh beef from Anglo Beef Processors.The move, which follows a similar rationalisation exercise in Sainsbury’s milk supply chain, was...

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    Dungannon Meats lose Sainsbury beef business


    Sainsbury is to cut Dungannon Meats out of its fresh beef supply chain as it moves to source all of its fresh beef from Anglo Beef Processors.Dungannon immediately announced plans to close its Elmgrove Foods facility in Belfast with the loss of...

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    EBLEX appoints new ceo


    The director of food policy at the British Retail Consortium, Richard Ali, has been appointed chief executive of the English Beef and Lamb Executive.He will take up his new post in January and will succeed David Croston, who retires in...

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    FSA probes rogue fat


    The Food Standards Agency has launched an investigation into how beef dripping made from fat that was not intended for human consumption entered the food chain.The dripping was made by Doncaster-based Nortech Foods and the company was this week...

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    healthy nutrients will be a casualty


    from Brian Walters, vice president, Farmers’ Union of WalesSir; The FUW shares your concern over the government’s traffic light labelling proposals. The Grocer is right to highlight the fact that dairy products and bacon are...

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    Mark hails English meat brand


    Meat bosses will back a new quality mark for English beef and lamb with a multi-million pound TV-led advertising campaign in the spring.The campaign, which is part of a drive to give English red meat the sort of high profile enjoyed by Scottish...

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    The foods they’ll demonise


    The Grocer launches campaign as Labour spin about food and health growsThat Great British institution – the bacon butty – will be among the food products demonised by a labelling scheme that the industry fears the government is...

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    Meat chain questions


    It remains unclear what steps Morrisons is taking post-Safeway takeover to consolidate its meat supply channels.The vertically integrated multiple runs a generally pro-British buying policy, though something like 5% of its beef supply comes...