All Meat articles – Page 185

  • News

    Beef ribs at Waitrose


    Branded beef ribs have been launched into Waitrose stores following success with a pork equivalent.Marketing group World Food Heroes launched the ‘Sam’s Diner’ branded ribs in barbecue sauce into the chain this week.Priced at £3.99, the...

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    Spirited performance in the freezer


    Tia Maria, Lamb’s Navy Rum and Malibu will all be appearing in freezer cabinets later this month with the launch of a range of liqueur ice creams.Manufactured by luxury ice cream maker Langage Farm, the range comprises Tia Maria with Amaretti...

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    Generic campaign aided by EU cash


    Beef is set to be the star of a new £1.4m promotion campaign.The promotion has been made possible with a grant from the EU, to be match-funded by the UK industry, and will be a generic beef campaign focusing on the healthiness and food safety...

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    Farmers call for beef price rise


    Beef farmers are calling on retailers to increase payments or risk a severe drop in production.The National Beef Association warned that retailers would not be able to rely on sufficient home-killed beef supplies from 2008 if the situation...

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    Cheating with meat


    A large proportion of vegetarians regularly sneak in the odd steak sandwich, claimed meat bosses.A study into eating habits revealed many self-proclaimed vegetarians regularly including red meat in their diet.The data from TNS Family Food...

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    ‘Tuck In’ ads a success


    A campaign to promote English beef and lamb has been declared a success.The English Beef and Lamb Executive’s Tuck In promotion was designed to generate media interest and to encourage consumers to consider the origins of beef and lamb.As...

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    Selling high production values


    A new variation on the marketing slogan: ‘don’t sell the steak, sell the sizzle’, has emerged from the academic world.Sandra Edwards, professor of agriculture at Newcastle University, reckons the time may be ripe to promote beef production...

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    Irish bullish over future prospects


    Agricultural reform is unlikely to dent Irish farmers’ commitment to beef production, industry leaders were told.The fear that decoupling subsidy from production would lead to a significant fall in production is being played down by Irish...

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    Somerfield in beef Partnership


    Farmers are being offered a guaranteed price for their beef as part of a new partnership deal with Somerfield.By working closely with the retailer, farmers would gain an assured market and agreed financial return, said Andy Johnson, head of...

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    Cranswick reshuffles its management team


    Pork processor Cranswick has rejigged its top management team in preparation for chairman Jim Bloom’s retirement at the company’s annual general meeting in July.Bloom was one of the founders of the business and has been a non-executive...

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    Venison win for Highland Game


    The Scottish Excellence Awards are an opportunity for the country to showcase its products and new companies are keen to take partA larder-trimmed loin of Scottish wild venison has scooped the top prize in this year’s Scottish Food...

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    An announcement last week that two of Brazil’s largest corned beef frigorificos were merging sent ripples through the trade. It’s another example of consolidation in an industry with a long history of losses. “These moves are inevitable, if...

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    Imported pigmeat specs blasted


    Beleaguered UK pig producers are hitting out at rising imports which they claim use production methods which would be illegal in the UK.A British Pig Executive report shows imports of pork and processed pork products such as bacon rose by...

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    Supermarkets want direct procurement to become universal model Tortuous' meat supply chain blasted by Tesco Scathing criticism of the beef supply chain in Britain was voiced by Tesco meat category director Steve Murrells at a Bord Bia forum in...

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    Game on for the bird


    Supermarket shoppers are as likely to see partridge wrapped in Parma ham on the meat counter as they are speciality sausages or rib of lamb. Ed Bedington finds out why game is becoming a popular purchaseA nice roast partridge might...

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    Beef trouble


    A serious shortage of freight space is adding to the problems of UK corned beef importers, already hit by widespread civil service strikes in Brazil.A surge in exports has wrongfooted freight companies who report delays of up to two months...

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    Cranswick quality bacon move


    Pork processor Cranswick is hoping to shake up the bacon fixture with its new Gourmet Bacon Company.The multi-million pound company has filled a major gap in its portfolio of branded and own label products by agreeing a joint venture with...

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    Asda/Tesco under fire over organic


    The Soil Association has slammed Asda and Tesco for not doing enough to promote the UK organic sector and asked the government to intervene.A Soil Association survey found less than a quarter of the organic pork on sale in Asda was from UK...

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    Veal takes on the style of bacon


    An importer is hoping to create a new niche for Dutch veal with the launch of bacon-style veal rashers.Jeffrey Davies, of Jeffrey Davies and Davies, said he was in negotiations with retailers to stock the new product.The range, which...

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    The pork need state challenge


    An in-depth report into consumer attitudes towards pork is the latest tool in the bid to boost the meat’s sales.The category report, by the Meat and Livestock Commission on behalf of the British Pig Executive, gives marketers a fresh...