All Meat articles – Page 198

  • News

    New product development: Cranswick confidently adds value in


    The proof it is possible for a meat product manufacturer to profit by adding value Pork processor Cranswick's confident launch of a range of premium sausages using entirely home-produced raw material highlights the unreliability of common...

  • News

    Sheepmeat: Severe squeeze may be in store for supplies of la


    Irish Food Board forecasts much tighter availability than MLC analysts Abundant cheap lamb next autumn is no longer the safe bet it seemed a few weeks ago. Supplies may even be severely squeezed in early 2002. The odds still favour softening...

  • News

    Pigmeat: Dutch hope foot and mouth over


    In UK, talk of pig slaughterings returning to normal rates is misleading Dutch pork and bacon suppliers had more good news for customers on Monday, reporting further easing of FMD controls and cautiously expressing hope the disease crisis was over...

  • News

    Beef and lamb: Supply chain patched back


    Restoring the supply chain from livestock farm to abattoir continues, though more slowly than many wholesale and retail traders believe is necessary as MAFF becomes increasingly confident it has the FMD epidemic contained. Arrangements for sheep...

  • News

    MLC pork commercials


    At least 82% of housewives with children will have six opportunities to see the new MLC pork commercials on television. When these ads were first shown last year a 10% uplift was recorded in sales of promoted cuts, the MLC claims. Colmans and...

  • News

    Corned beef: Brazil guards borders against FMD threat


    Brazilian corned ceef producers have increased prices for European grade, used extensively by tertiary brand importers. The $2.00/case uplift has left some dealers exposed to promotional commitments made a few weeks ago when prices were weakening....

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    Meat marketing: MLC launches pork ads to heal damage of FMD


    Tonnages and spending some 5-10% lower than usual for time of year British pork will be back on the TV screens on Monday [May 14] as part of a £900,000 advertising campaign to begin repairing the damage inflicted on the meat market by the FMD...

  • News

    Beef: Supply picture starting to appear less abundant


    Overall EU market in surplus and kill increasing within UK, but... Normality would be the wrong word, but something less dramatic than crisis is now the state of the EU beef market following Russia's partial resumption of imports from Germany,...

  • News

    Pigmeat; Cheaper Danish on way as herd grows


    Other countries likely to grow capacity and push EU market into surplus Cheaper pork and bacon next year is the message to UK buyers from Denmark, where latest farm census results show an astonishing increase in pig numbers. Although the Danes...

  • News

    Lang's beef. Tim Lang, professor of food policy at Thames Va


    Have you watched TV this week? If you have, you are a failure as far as the campaign group White Dot, which organised the International Television Turn-off Week, is concerned. We live in a TV obsessed culture, with most people spending half their...

  • News

    BACON REPORT: Foot and mouth disease has hit demand harder t


    Resumed Dutch imports give jitters to UK traders Limited shipments of pork and bacon from the Netherlands to British customers were expected to resume on Wednesday after the easing of Dutch restrictions on livestock movement, slaughtering and...

  • News

    Beef: Farmgate prices appear to be holding up despite produc


    Prime cattle numbers heading for reduction Margins are probably being squeezed in the beef trade between farm gate and supermarket checkout, reality conflicting with persistent media allegations of profiteering by retailers and processors. While...

  • News

    Corned beef: A profit for Brazilians


    Consolidation within the Brazilian corned beef industry seems to be paying off for the major frigorificos as a hardening of prices is resulting in profitability, a situation that has eluded packers for some time. As Argentina cannot export...

  • News

    Pigmeat: Madrange set to become much bigger supplier to UK


    Madrange, the French pigmeat processor that began attracting attention in the UK market as a supplier of pâté and sliced ham a couple of years ago, will soon have a higher profile here, and one much more in keeping with its role as one of the EU...

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    Italy: Esselunga hams it up for launch of home shopping


    Leading Italian retailer Esselunga has launched a home shopping web site developed for it by Unipower Solutions Europe, which helped develop Tesco's service. Initially the service will be available to customers in Monza with a wider rollout later...

  • News

    Beef: Brussels fragmented' over reform package


    Overheated instructions resulted in unworkable reforms' ­ NBA The controversial beef industry reform package hurriedly put together by the European Commission immediately after the eruption of the BSE crisis on the continent last November is...

  • News

    Pigmeat: British pigs cheaper than anywhere else in Europe


    Very high prices on the continent causing concern in Brussels Britain is beginning to look like the bargain basement of the EU pig market, and the FMD crisis is just one of several reasons for believing pork buyers here can look forward to plenty...

  • News

    Canned meat; Militant dockers' action hits corned beef expor


    A form of cartel is going to work to the disadvantage of UK buyers' The threat of a corned beef shortage looms as militant dockers in Brazil's largest port, Santos, have stopped the loading of all vessels. Attempts by frigorificos to divert...

  • News

    BSE and FMD: Major buyers' bans mean huge tonnages locked in


    EU internal market will have to soak up huge additional volumes European Commission officials say the barriers erected against EU meat by all major buyers because of BSE and FMD have wiped out 94% of beef export business and blocked 73% of third...

  • News

    Pigmeat: Trade at mercy of Japan


    Danes asking for exemption from ban; positive feeling' in Copenhagen Bacon and pork traders are at the mercy of the Japanese authorities, whose imminent decision on whether to permit imports from Denmark is expected to prove the crucial influence...