All Meat articles – Page 199

  • News

    Lunchable pizzas for Fun


    Kraft Foods is widening the Dairylea Lunchables Fun Pack menu with the addition of a pizza variant. The Fun Pack contains a do-it-yourself pizza kit (including a pre-cooked pizza base, tomato sauce, ham or pepperoni and Dairylea slice) as well as...

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    Foot and mouth disease: supplies


    Imports draw hostility but interest is up Prejudice against imported meat, especially third country beef, is hardening following MAFF's disclosure of its suspicion illegally shipped product brought FMD to Britain. Producer lobbyists led by the...

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    Foot and mouth disease: Russia blow for beef


    Russia is the new friend of the British meat consumer, Moscow's decision to ban imports from the EU locking a huge additional tonnage of product into the western European market and therefore guaranteeing more downward pressure on prices. The main...

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    Pig industry: Gilt edged sword?


    Dutch livestock census re-sults showing a contraction in the national pig herd are probably not a reliable indicator of future bacon and pork supplies to the UK. Although, year on year the number of maiden gilts was sharply lower in December,...

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    British pork: Offers rife as price weakens


    Prices are softening in the UK pork market, despite the Dutch slaughterhouse shutdown and the threat of disruption to EU exports caused by the US and Canadian blockade on European product. Clearest indicators of the swing from shortage to surplus...

  • News

    Beef: EU beef sales 'good in parts'


    Beef continues to be a buyers' market in the UK as the home kill mounts while traders struggle to clear imported stocks and signs begin to emerge of a consumer resistance. But on the continent, sellers are more positive than a fortnight ago....

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    BSE: JS abattoir tests are misguided'


    Sainsbury's will confuse consumers with its introduction of BSE testing on beef, according to rival supermarkets. The multiple announced this week that it will trial the new test for slaughtered cattle at its suppliers' abattoirs. But an Asda...

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    Lamb: Cull might have little effect on domestic glut


    Price boosting shortage counterbalanced by sheepskin value collapse Rumours of further tightening in the lamb market have been prompted by MAFF's confirmation it is considering a major increase in sheep culling as part of its FMD eradication....

  • News

    Beef: Hackles rise over BSE risk material


    Prohibited BSE risk material has been found in yet another load of imported beef, this time a consignment from Spain to a Lancashire abattoir, sparking fresh protests from home producers who want a ban on all supplies from the continent. The...

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    Seafood: Irish supply dearer but long-term surplus looms


    Walsh persuades Brussels to extend PFD and keep prices in Republic underpinned British buyers seeking alternative supplies will find Irish beef slightly more expensive than they had hoped thanks to a tactical victory claimed by Irish agriculture...

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    Mini Cheddars turn smokey and tangy


    KP is taking Mini Cheddars beyond their cheesy homeland into non-cheese-based territory. Two new flavours ­ Smokey BBQ and Tangy Salsa ­ join the range from March 26, replacing Cheese and Onion and Cheese and Ham which will be delisted. This...

  • News

    Canned meat: Importers face chaos as retail demand doubles


    Hot packs such as minced beef and stewed steak show biggest increases Importers of canned meats report an increase in demand of over 120% as consumers clear the shelves of fresh product in the wake of foot and mouth disease. A survey among the...

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    Island of Ireland: meat


    an editorial supplement to The Grocer Natural complement The position of Ireland is not simply one of an external supplier to the UK. Its companies make up a processing and trading bloc that dominates the UK beef industry. Mike Ingham reports...

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    Lamb: New Zealand calls a halt to promotions in the UK


    NZ suppliers careful not to be seen exploiting home producers' misfortunes New Zealand lamb suppliers have halted promotion in the UK, a decision highlighting the conflicting pressures on the market here. "We've pulled our consumer advertising, on...

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    MLC Marketing News


    produced for the Meat and Livestock Commission by The Grocer Oscar Mayer's British beef success story Oscar Mayer is Sainsbury's largest chilled ready meals supplier, producing a million meals a week for the retailer. It is an important part of...

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    Pigmeat: Foot and mouth piles on the illness misery


    Hoped for rebound in breeding and slaughter numbers stymied Foot and mouth disease confirmed by MAFF in southern England on Tuesday is the latest and potentially the most devastating in a series of livestock illness outbreaks disrupting UK pork and...

  • News

    Beef: Multiples stand by Brits


    Farmers moaned about dumping but imports fell; secondary market will feel pressure BSE panic on the continent has certainly sent ripples through the British beef market, but it is increasingly clear the weakening of prices in some corners of the...

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    Profile: Kurt Bettin, CMA ­ Central Marketing Organisation o


    Accidental exile Kurt Bettin has spent 32 years masterminding the CMA's progress but now, as he tells Helen Gregory, Germany beckons A resident of this country for 32 years, German-born Kurt Bettin declares a fondness for Cheddar, bacon and...

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    Beef: Irish fear continent will tempt UK supermarkets


    Will multiples be unwilling or unable to maintain two tier market? From Ireland come warnings of impending trouble in the British mainstream retail beef trade as a result of the continental BSE crisis and its effects on trade flows and official...

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    Beef: BSP blow from Brussels


    Detailed changes to cattle aid regime seem likely to affect UK disproportionately Price and supply prospects in the already confused British beef market were further clouded on Tuesday night after European Commission officials met in Strasbourg and...