All Meat articles – Page 200

  • News

    Retail price spreads: Retailers are backing British farmers


    Hints of a weakening in consumer demand for beef and perhaps even for pork but more evidence of surprisingly resilient trade in the bacon and lamb categories are the main features of MLC analyst Tony Fowler's latest farm to retail price spread...

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    Unappealing antics


    When bacon sellers put on a show of international bonhomie at the Provision Trade Federation annual dinner on Tuesday, behind the polite smiles will be a deep-seated feeling of anger and frustration. For as overseas sellers sit down with their UK...

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    Beef: German meat unlikely to tempt UK multiples


    Sides and boxes of German bull beef are now circulating in the British wholesale trade at prices about 40% lower than the supermarkets are paying for home produced steer and heifer meat. Some of the product from Germany is visible on Smithfield...

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    Northern Ireland: Tesco exclusive Angus deal


    Foyle Meats has launched a range of Northern Irish Quality Assured Aberdeen Angus beef in selected Tesco Northern Ireland stores. The launch has been backed by cookery roadshows organised by the MLC. Foyle Meats producer club is supplying the beef...

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    irish food board cannot be so certain of its beef claims


    Sir; I note the Irish Food Board's description of National Beef Association claims that around 15 per cent of beef imports from the Republic last year was almost certainly taken from cattle over 30 months old as "nonsense" (The Grocer, January 20,...

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    PORK AND BACON: German crisis sends pork price into a spin


    Fallout from BSE could signal long term depression for the entire meat sector British retailers and processors can probably expect more imported pork bargains following a shakeout of pig prices in Germany, which is by far the biggest EU market....

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    Ireland: Fruit and veg is sold too cheap'


    A fresh confrontation is looming in the Irish Republic between food producers and multiples over the latest price war initiated by Tesco. After a battle over cut-price milk (which they lost) and over frozen New Zealand lamb (which they won), Irish...

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    Beef: Multiples vindicated as board blasts nonsense'


    NBA claims more than 15,000 tonnes of illegal beef sold in UK last year Allegations of illegal trading in imported beef from cattle aged over 30 months are at the centre of a new dispute between supermarkets and militant producers, and this time...

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    Not so dim sales


    The Meat and Livestock Commission has reported a rise in sales on the back of its advertising campaign fronted by Harry Enfield's character Tim Nice But Dim. The MLC said during the autumn (while the ad was on air) that total beef sales rose by...

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    Canned meat: Stewed steak out of stock


    Erratic shipments from Brazil caused by port strikes and shipping diversions have resulted in serious out of stock positions of both hot packs and canned Beef. Hardest hit is stewed steak which was scheduled to arrive in time for post Christmas...

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    Intervention: New beef mountain rising


    Brussels has begun building a new intervention beef mountain. But first purchases prompted by BSE on the continent have totalled only 12,000 tonnes, mostly in France and Germany. The stockpile will not match the previous mountain in size as...

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    Beef: Buyers facing end of cheap Irish supplies?


    Irish beef is proving less of a bonanza for British retailers than their critics among home producers believe, as cattle markets in the Republic have stabilised quickly after the BSE crisis on the continent. Farming lobbyists led by the National...

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    BEEF: Winter scarcity, spring glut?


    Subsidy system causes cattle shortage Inadequate supplies of steers and young bulls are causing concern in the processing sector, prompting warnings of upward pressure on British beef prices in the next few weeks despite the normal seasonal...

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    BEEF: EU to adopt UK-style cull


    Cattle disposal scheme clouds supply/price outlook Surprisingly large volumes of beef could be taken out of the EU market through the new scheme for destroying cattle aged over 30 months as an anti-BSE measure. Details announced by the European...

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    Kingfisher: General Stores ready for roll out


    Exclusive Anne Bruce Woolworths has called in consultants from Nestlé to beef up its General Store concept before a national roll out. The Kingfisher owned retailer plans to convert up to 300 existing Woolworths and Superdrugs to the convenience...

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    BEEF: First evidence of UK consumer resistance?


    Demand here has softened, but nothing like the BSE panic on the continent Conflicting messages are still coming from the UK retail and wholesale beef trades more than a month after the BSE scandal in France began a chain of events leading to...

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    BEEF: Brussels heads for EU version of OTMS


    Traders trying to assess the medium to long-term effect of the new BSE crisis on beef availability and prices face a dilemma following an unexpectedly aggressive stance adopted by most EU farm ministers at their agriculture council meeting on...

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    Beef: Incredibly sympathetic'


    One reason for British beef producers' opposition to a ban on imports from France is their belief a more cautious approach could help achieve a recovery in exports from this country, and it seems the government agrees. Agriculture minister Nick...

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    Beef: Price down but not due to BSE'


    Flooding and transport problems push underfinished beasts into the trade Confusion is spreading through the British beef industry and the domestic market as the BSE crisis on the continent sparks fears of a bigger catastrophe than in 1996. Cattle...

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    ABATTOIRS: Not up to ABM standards


    Another threat to small abattoir operators emerged during the Smithfield Show. A document said to be circulating among members of the National Beef Association, producers who tend to be highly critical of supermarkets and their biggest...