All Meat articles – Page 203

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    Allegations of anti-competitive trading in the Northern Ireland beef market continue, producer lobbyists from the National Beef Association claiming in evidence to the Province's Assembly agriculture committee a cattle purchasing cartel had existed...

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    Mattessons' Strong stuff


    Kerry Foods is replacing three of its Mattessons cooked meats products with new versions in October in the second phase of a £5m brand reinvestment programme. Thomas and Friends ham slices replace the pork blend, while Mr Strong chicken slices...

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    CORNED BEEF: Supplies squeeze forecast


    Consolidation within the Brazilian corned beef industry is causing concern among UK importers who fear a cartel, leading to higher prices. The industry has complained of poor returns for years and evidence suggests canners have been production led...

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    BEEF: Butter and butchery still closely linked trades


    Milk price rise highlights dairy sector's role in meat industry Meat buyers dependent on home produced beef supplies may have a slightly more secure trading outlook following the latest round of milk price increases, led by Asda and Safeway....

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    Bacon: Turmoil brings contracts plea


    Confusion continued in the bacon market as The Grocer went to press, despite the semblance of normality returning to the production and distribution system as fuel supplies resumed. Malton, the biggest UK pigmeat processor, was almost back to a...

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    Sausages for the sweet toothed


    What do you give a butcher who develops steak and chocolate sausages? The butcher in question is Turriff based John Brown, who won a diamond award at the Make It with Meat Awards in Perth. Brown was challenged by a fellow diner when he was unwise...

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    PIGMEAT: Seasonal slide in Germany


    More price fall signals from biggest EU market Reports from traders in the German pig market are of price wobbles and increasing production, possibly early indications of the next cyclical downturn in pork values throughout the EU. The evidence so...

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    Beef: The chill of empty cold stores


    Confusion and contradiction are features of the beef market at the moment, due only in part to the muddle resulting from last year's abolition of the calf culling scheme. Absence of intervention stocks is adding to the pressure on some traders'...

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    One man's meat...


    If the Government had any lingering doubts about the obstacles it faces in rebuilding confidence in British food, and beef in particular, they were swiftly dispelled last weekend. Big meat eaters cancer warning' screamed the Daily Mail's banner...

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    Beef: Supplies set to stay tight


    MLC seeking FSA support for phasing out Over Thirty Month Scheme Supplies of home produced beef for the growing markets in manufactured meat products appear likely to remain fairly tight, contrary to press reports suggesting one of the Government's...

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    Lang's beef - Tim Lang professor of food policy at Thames Va


    At the end of September, chief medical officers from all 15 EU states meet in Lyons to approve a health strategy. It might have immense implications for Europe's policy giant, the Common Agricultural Policy. CAP accounts for half of the EU's total...

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    Corned beef boosts your sperm count


    Princes is about to embark on a PR campaign to promote the potential male fertility benefits of corned beef. This is on the back of a study that suggests that vitamin B3 and zinc ­ which are both prominent in corned beef ­ can help boost fertility....

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    Waitrose backs British bacon


    Sir; I was disappointed to read the weekly shop page in last week's The Grocer (page 33, August 19) in which you state that eight unsmoked rindless rashers of bacon cost your shopper £2.59 in Waitrose, when the shelf edge barker displayed a cost of...

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    BEEF: Irish supplies crucial to autumn price prospects


    Confusion as Brussels postpones meeting on export subsidy cuts Beef traders are watching Ireland nervously for price hints as the seasonal upturn in production begins, and this year the odds on a pre-Christmas supply surge from the Republic are...

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    Lamb: Cotswold move pays off at Somerfield


    Somerfield's latest venture, billed as "a unique alliance between farmer supplier and supermarket", to sell branded Cotswold Lamb has produced significant dividends in its first two months with a 41% leap in local lamb sales. The company agreed to...

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    BEEF AND LAMB: Regional brands growing


    Waitrose reports huge increase in interest in beef that is different' Primary producers of beef and lamb are getting their act together and shortening lines of communication with their customers. Producer groups reflecting either breed or...

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    BEEF AND LAMB: Coops form South West Quality Meat


    Three farm coops with production potential of 60-70,000 lambs and 6,000 beef cattle a year have come together to form South West Quality Meat. "There is no doubt that supermarkets are looking towards regional products and we felt that Devon and...

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    Beef: GB lags in traceability


    An attempt by the government to establish a national traceability system for cattle could yield cost benefits for beef processors and retailers, although perhaps it risks blemishing the industry's image in the eyes of domestic consumers and...

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    MLC: British meat marketing (advertisement feature produced


    MLC launches major push for beef and lamb A massive new £2.5 million beef and lamb campaign fronted by the Tim Nice But Dim character creation of popular television comedian, Harry Enfield, is launched by the Meat and Livestock Commission this...

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    MLC: British meat marketing (advertisement feature produced


    Targeting the younger lamb consumer With over 70% of lamb eaten by consumers aged over 45, the task ahead is to win and influence the younger generations who have drifted away from red meat in recent years. By enhancing the image, convenience and...