All Meat articles – Page 204

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    MLC: British meat marketing (advertisement feature produced


    Beef is back on the menu and a natural, versatile choice With post BSE beef sales well on the road to recovery, the MLC is aiming to grow the beef market further so that it becomes a popular choice throughout the week. Optimism for a full recovery...

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    Lamb: Cracknell blasts farmers over quality standards


    Fewer than half the lambs supplied by British producers meet supermarket carcase quality standards, and major processors serving the multiples are increasingly willing to voice their exasperation in public. Richard Cracknell, md of slaughtering...

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    Lang's beef: Tim Lang, professor of food policy at Thames Va


    I was closeted last week at an inter-governmental meeting on food safety. It was intense. Much talk was of agencies and of their different approaches, experiences and successes. Food agencies are seen by some as the answer to everything. There was...

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    Lang's beef: Tim Lang, professor of food policy at Thames Va


    We threw out our televisions 20 years ago­ first one, then the other of my partner's children left home! And now, this Christmas we stayed with them all in the north and had a great time. But after watching their TVs, we came home glad not to have...

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    Lang's beef: Tim Lang, professor of food policy at Thames Va


    Last week I was in Rio de Janeiro at a gathering on food and agriculture. An astonishing city alongside 610 favela ­ immensely dense shanty towns with dwellings ranging from hardboard construction to brick built. I visited one in the city's...

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    Market watch: Retail meat prices week ending August 12 2000


    Average price p/kg Change on week Price range BEEF Topside 591 0 478 - 704 Rump 892 1 800 - ...

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    New strategy from MMP


    Launch of a branded beef cuts range by Midland Meat Packers demonstrates how the industry has been forced to reinvent itself since BSE. Most of Britain's beef export trade was in cow carcasses, not meat from prime cattle for continental...

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    Slightly more beef, slightly less lamb and few surprises Stability the theme with stock trends persistent Retailers will rarely hear farmers admit this, but a fair degree of confidence has returned to the livestock sector and prospects for...

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    Massel squares up to cube kings


    Food Masters is launching Massel stock cubes to challenge leading stock cube players Knorr and VdB’s Oxo. The three flavours ­ chicken, beef and vegetable ­ are all gluten and lactose free and contain no animal products. Advertising in local press…

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    New line props up the snack bar


    Pork Farms Bowyers has launched a new fried snack product in line with its "proper food when proper famished" ethos. Its new Snack Bar is made with sausagemeat which is fried and coated in breadcrumbs and is filled with either coleslaw or...

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    Smith calls for a fresh approach


    Despite heavy price promotions over the last two years, few new consumers have been brought into the bacon market, according to Dutch Meat Board md Robert Smith. "Price promotions have done nothing to make bacon interesting ­ all they done is...

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    Tulip hits back over offputting' adverts


    Danish bacon producer Tulip International ­ the company behind the Danepak brand ­ has hit back at recent marketing initiatives from the British bacon industry, claiming it has "put consumers off buying bacon". Tulip International sales and...

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    Ian Hughes is DMB's loss and Key Country Foods' gain


    Ian Hughes is to leave the Dutch Meat Board where he has been trade marketing controller. However, Hughes will remain within the bacon and pigmeat industry when he takes on his new position as group marketing director at Key Country Foods Ltd....

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    BRITISH PORK PROMOTION CAMPAIGN: Finding solace in self delu


    Helping consumers forget the negative side' As tempers cool in the pork and bacon trades after the Meat and Livestock Commission's highly controversial advertisements, it is becoming clear the campaign was designed at least in part to tackle a...

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    Prepared salads: English learn French secrets


    Florette looking forward to continued 15% growth English growers are learning the secrets of producing a new range of speciality salads such as escarole, frisee and lambs lettuce for Soleco, France's largest specialist producer which has opened its...

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    Danepak goes organic


    Danepak is making its debut in organics with a new three strong prepacked bacon range due on shelf in the autumn. The range comprises smoked and unsmoked back bacon (both 220g; rsp £3.29) and unsmoked streaky (170g; rsp £2.29). Danepak marketing...

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    June heatwave boosted steak trade, but total beef sales were flat Retail data show market narrow and volatile Britain's adoption of barbecue culture has produced the predictable surge in steak sales, weather permitting, but latest household...

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    manufacturing beef


    Producers and processors frustrated by loss of cheap high quality beef from trade Phasing out of OTMS set for delay by feed débâcle Scarcity of cheap cow beef for meat product manufacturing has long caused resentment in some corners of the...

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    Bacon: Danish anger at organic blocks'


    There is anger among Continental bacon and ham exporters that the standards set by British organic accreditation bodies are being used as a blocking strategy to prevent full market access. Some have criticised "holier than thou" attitudes. The Soil...

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    Meat: Relief as Brussels relaxes labelling rules


    Some relief from the pressure of increasing regulatory cost in the beef market appears possible following a vote by the European Parliament to relax new labelling rules due to become EU law from September 1. Processors and producers, with support...