All Meat articles – Page 205

  • News

    Table talk: Antony Worrall Thompson chef and TV personality


    Up at the Royal Show to dish out the Daily Express Farming Awards this week, I was confronted by some angry farmers over the new British Farm Standard tracor logo. They were upset they had found New Zealand lamb with this logo on one of the...

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    Bacon: Joint sales are up 16% in value


    A steady tightening of the pig supply in the UK and on the continent will continue to push up asking prices to curers. But after more than two years of cheap rashers, it remains to be seen how multiple buyers will react to requests for any increase...

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    The threat to consensus


    Getting a consensus among stakeholders within UK Food plc is nearly as hard as persuading the MLC to promote Danish bacon. So reformers like Nick Brown, Ben Gill, Joanne Denney, Patrick Holden, Mike Mackenzie and Co should only allow themselves a...

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    Beef: Scotbeef challenge


    M&S supplier Scotbeef, a pioneer of traceability and the producer club concept, has opened a new £7m abattoir at Bridge of Allan, Stirlingshire. With capacity of 2,000 head weekly, it challenges Northampton based Midland Meat Packers as the biggest...

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    Profile: Danish Bacon and Meat Council's marketing director


    Frying pans feels the heat Defending Danish bacon is a serious business these days. But John Howard is keeping his sense of fun He's a Cambridge classics scholar, former Ampleforth student, and has many other hallmarks of a man who is British to...

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    The King with a sense of humour


    Bestfoods is nudging the dynamic instant hot snacks category nearer to meals with the launch of King Pot Noodle size on July 17. The new packs are 400g rather than 300g, in chicken and mushroom, and beef and tomato flavours. Bestfoods is backing...

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    Indefensible encouragement


    It should be no surprise on either side of the Channel that Britain's beleaguered farmers are again turning up the heat under France's illegal ban on British beef imports. For, despite the political comings and goings, on July 1 we'll be treated to...

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    Every week brings another sign of tightening supply in the Irish beef industry, the latest indicator being a report of Libya proposing to resume imports. Similar stories have been heard before, and proved untrue, but the latest is being taken...

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    Pigmeat: Danepak boost for fresh pork


    Runaway success of Pork Perfection With market research data persistently showing the retail demand trend for fresh pork at best flat, suppliers and multiples are looking for product ideas to rejuvenate this commodity sector as the Bernard…

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    Beef: Don't help French! ­ Gill


    NFU president Ben Gill has slammed the promotion of French markets in Britain as "indefensible" while the country maintains its illegal ban on British beef. And Gill has also questioned the right of the French government to hold the presidency of...

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    Meat demand trends: Canteen sales help volumes but not marg


    There is a significant qualitative shift which MLC has illuminated: the proportion of bacon consumed out of the home has risen from a quarter in 1990 to just over a third by the end of the decade. An 80% penetration of bacon in staff catering ­...

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    Lang's Beef: Tim Lang Professor of Food Policy at Thames Val


    How should the food industry communicate its message if it thinks new products offer a health gain? Scientists and marketers gathered last week in Finland at the request of VTT, the state funded technology organisation, to ponder just that question....

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    NBA calculates combined shares of ABP, Dawn and Kepak at only 20% Fragmentation revealed by association's figures Beef processing in Britain is a much more fragmented industry than commonly believed, according to throughput estimates published...

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    Meat demand trends: British bacon output in slow, sustained


    Between a fifth and a quarter of all UK pigmeat production goes into British bacon ­ but total self-sufficiency is ruled out by MLC economist Sue Fisher in the June issue of Meat Demand Trends. It is the first industry survey to have been...

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    UK meat and poultry consumption


    Poultry consumption in the UK has doubled since the mid 1980s, while volumes of all the other main meat categories have shrunk or remained fairly stable. Some contraction in the beef market was expected long before the BSE crisis, but lamb, pork and...

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    United colours of Mmm


    Kerry Foods is investing £5m in repositioning its Mattessons brand. New packaging from September will feature the well known Mattessons Mmm' strapline. The packs will be colour coded to signpost the variants ­ cooked meats, smoked pork sausage...

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    Table Talk Anthony Worral Thompson chef and TV personality


    I applaud the Meat and Livestock Commission for introducing the British Meat Quality Standard Mark, but I must criticise them on their advertisements for pork. The advert shows a large white pig with seven suckling piglets in tow, with the...

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    BEEF Brussels' label scheme set to cost £50 per head?


    Scottish wholesalers warn categorisation means more severe pressure on margins Abattoir operators and meat packers are stepping up their campaign against the proposed EU beef labelling scheme, which some slaughterers claim could in effect add 10%...

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    New Zealand lamb: FAVOURED NATION?


    One telling indicator of fundamental change across the EU sheepmeat market is the New Zealanders' growing confidence in their relationships with major French buyers. "They're starting to take us seriously, because they know we can deliver," The...

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    NEW ZEALAND LAMB: Easter offers in Paris supermarkets fuel o


    New Zealand chilled lamb has the French up in arms Chilled lamb imports from New Zealand are causing controversy again. The focus of attention this time is on alleged disruption of the French market rather than the British retail trade, but the new...