All Meat articles – Page 206

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    business development


    DBC Foodservice, formerly known as the Danish Bacon Company, has appointed Chris Todd as sales director. He will be responsible for business development and long term growth opportunities. Todd, 44, was previously with Del Monte Fresh Produce which...

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    Digging in for a boar war?


    Is it possible that the only ones left smiling after the so-called "bacon war" that hit our TV screens this week will be the bank managers of European research companies? Could it be, as the media turns to other issues, that the conflict will...

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    TOMATOES: I'm all right Jack, but­


    A new variety of British beef tomato is being sold exclusively through Waitrose. Jack Hawkins, which retails at £2.79/kg, grows to between 65mm and 85mm and ranges in colour from light orange to red. A spokesman for the Tomato Growers'...

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    Bacon: Traders' consternation over second pig advert


    Although it is too early to gauge public purchasing reaction to the now infamous MLC generic pigmeat advertising at least one multiple has started to take precautions to conserve bacon business. Tesco has put together POS material telling...

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    Slaughtering: Live exports will only add to buyers' problems


    Price query as supply tightens A sharp reduction of the number of steers being slaughtered in Ireland backs up forecasts that the beef supply will tighten, in theory weakening the claims of British producers who accuse the multiples of undermining...

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    The Grocer Focus on delicatessen & fine foods: Market data


    Cooked meats -The total market is worth £1,188m, with prepacked sales accounting for more than 55%. Ham is the biggest sector, accounting for more than 50% of total sales, and increasing 6% in value year on year Taylor Nelson Sofres, 52 w/e April...

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    SLAUGHTERING: Rumours of closure prove exaggerated


    Capacity reduction in the slaughtering industry remains largely an illusion, despite the constant talk of restructuring. Latest indicators of the persistently intense competition for stock and customers are the continuing operation of a lamb...

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    BMF conference: Requirement to categorise cuts could increas


    Cracknell alarm over label costs Hope is fading for a change in the proposed EU beef labelling scheme to avoid a further sharp increase in meat processing and distribution costs. Industry leaders have been warned by MAFF it may be too late to...

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    MLC fears price gap could trigger a downturn Defying the rule of rising prices Pork and some pigmeat products may be partial exceptions to the rule of rising prices' in 1999, at least in the unpublished opinion of some MLC staff. Milton Keynes...

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    Price is the dominant mechanic but should not be the only one' Smith hails success of piggies round two Simon Mowbray Bacon producers risk failing to drive volumes if they rely on price promotions alone, a leading industry figure has warned....

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    British sector diminishes faster than beef did in response to BSE Clean slaughterings to be halved in five years The MLC's latest pigmeat sector forecast points to persistent price volatility in this country, along with insecure market shares...

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    Pressure points in the chain appear no obstacle to Lazenby's processor Cranswick showing defies expectations Surging profitability at pork processor Cranswick plc prompted compliments from national press business writers on release of preliminary...

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    Less contraction in national herd than farmers claimed Supply picture looks resilient Further doubt is cast on predictions of a looming shortage of home produced pork by the results of an official pig census showing much less contraction in the...

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    O'Kane denies move is response to Tesco Avonmore to buy from just four Tesco pork supplier Avonmore Meats (UK) has long seemed the sleeping giant of the British pigmeat market, but has been quietly flexing its muscles for several months. On Monday...

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    Sentiment has not turned in favour of British Action will put consumers off British pig producers' campaign against imports will at best prove ineffective and at worst counter-productive, potentially turning food shoppers against pork from all...

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    Mixed picture with slight rise in slaughterings expected Danish herd contracting Production capacity on Denmark's pig farms is contracting, but there is no prospect of anything like the pork supply squeeze under way in the UK. Results of the...

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    Bacon and ham production down 17% since 1998 Tonnage decline raises questions about demand Bacon and ham production in Great Britain is down 17% since 1998 and the decline would have been steeper in the past year but for increased use of...

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    Low population density and labour costs make big, efficient new units viable Spain tipped to become major supplier in the EU Spanish suppliers of pork and even of bacon have played minor but significant roles in the UK during the recurrent ...

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    I fear a chain reaction


    The threat of a trade war still hovers ominously over the bacon and pork markets. At the risk of inciting the crackpot fringe within British farming to send me more malicious e-mails, we believe serious implications remain for all pigmeat sales...

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    Lang's beef Tim Lang


    This week I am in Crete. Before you say lucky man' (indeed I am), be assured that I am locked in a hotel for five days of meetings. A long time to be indoors, but things are stirring once more on the European food scene. The Crete meetings ...