All Meat articles – Page 207

  • News

    Beef: Irish beef likely to make further inroads into UK


    Shipments up to nearly 90% of pre BSE tonnage last year Ireland's relatively low key beef promotion campaigns in the UK since the BSE crisis have puzzled competitors, but it is increasingly clear the sales effort has been more successful than...

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    How to become a polish millionaire


    Pork and bacon traders excited by the prospect of an eventual surge of cheap supply from the obsolete but restructuring pig industries of Eastern Europe were offered a sobering assessment in Tuesday's Financial Times, which focused on the Polish...

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    Bacon: Signs of a recovery


    As well as firmer gammon prices, there are signs that the bacon market is seeing a sustained recovery. "The market is getting tight in the UK," said one trader, "and it may hit a peak soon. But even though there are more pigs coming through from...

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    Shouting UK assurance message


    Sir; Talk about over-reaction to MLC's latest campaign to highlight the attributes of British pigmeat. The new ad does not specifically attack the Danes, nor does it impugn the product reared in Denmark for the UK, yet the Danish Bacon & Meat...

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    The Grocer Focus on Northern Ireland


    Beef producers: Commitment to mainland surprisingly successful The beef industry might seem to still be in deep crisis but resurgence of sales to the British multiples has been nothing short of spectacular from a supply resource now world class ...

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    Bacon: Room for developments


    There is a lot of speculation about likely developments at Malton Bacon Factory, which has a planning application for a 4,000 sq m extension. After 12 years as md, Max Hilliard has been promoted to chief executive (see story on page 80), while Neil...

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    Obituary: Arthur Skelhorn


    Arthur Skelhorn, MBE, for many years a central figure in the independent sector, and a regular contributor to The Grocer on bacon matters, has died in a Manchester nursing home aged 91. Past president on several occasions of the Northern Council of...

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    Pigmeat: OECD Agricultural Outlook


    Prices predicted to remain soft Pork buyers worried by the rising market might find consolation in the latest Agricultural Outlook published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris. The OECD staff, who have a good...

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    Market watch: Retail meat prices week ending May 6 2000


    Average price p/kg Change on week Price range BEEF Topside 612 -36 436 - 716 Rump 892 -44 724 - ...

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    MLC PIGS MARKET OUTLOOK Squeeze tighter than expected


    Pork production likely to fall again next year Contraction of UK pigmeat production is turning into a severe structural adjustment rather than merely an unusually painful cyclical output swing as seemed likely just a few months ago. "Despite the...

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    MLC cattle market outlook Imports set to decline this year


    Forecast may prove useful in defusing protests Imports of beef are likely to decline slightly this year, after a sharp increase in 1999, according to the latest edition of the MLC's quarterly Cattle Market Outlook. This published forecast may...

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    BSE: Call for French beef ban slated


    Conservative Party demands for a ban on imports of French beef and beef products following a surge in the number of BSE cases in France have been rejected by MAFF, the FDF and the NFU. Agriculture minister Nick Brown was urged by his shadow, Tim...

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    Compulsory beef labels set to arrive in autumn


    EU agriculture ministers have voted to introduce compulsory labelling for beef from September 1 2000 ­ two years ahead of the original date. MAFF minister of state Joyce Quin welcomed the decision but she said the UK already has a beef monitoring...

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    OPINION: The absurd and the illegal


    The news that exports of French agricultural products to Britain rose last year despite the strength of public opinion against France's refusal to lift the UK beef exports ban will probably provoke wide Gallic smiles down the Champs Elysées....

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    Market watch: retail meat prices


    Retail meat prices week ending July 29 2000 Average price p/kg Change on week Price range BEEF Topside 605 -1 491 - 719 ...

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    Lamb: Closure of ABP's Bathgate plant postponed


    Closure of one of the major UK lamb killing and packing plants, the Anglo Beef Processors Bathgate abattoir in southern Scotland, has been postponed. But Irish-owned ABP dismissed initial rumours of a management buyout or sale. Bathgate had been...

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    More strain on home market


    More pressure on the lamb market appears likely as a new entrant into the sheepmeat export trade begins establishing a customer base on the continent. Producer controlled Farmers Fresh announced on Monday it had struck a deal with Claude...

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    Meat prices


    retail meat prices week ending October 31 1998 (p/kg) Average price Change on week Price range BEEF Topside 618 11 520 - 716 Rump ...

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    bacon report


    Quiet August holiday The latest bacon factory returns show a drop in August output of nearly 1,000t, year on year to 15,100t. The small drop in pigmeat imports for UK curing ­ down 400t yoy to 3,500t more a marker of the continental holiday...

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    bacon report


    Dutch get back into action Shipments of Dutch Royal Crest back bacon to the UK have topped the 100,000 tonne mark again this year. The total to the end of week 49 was 100,500t, with an estimated tonnage for week 50 of some 2,195t. With this week...