All Meat articles – Page 208

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    Bacon report


    Malton closes Motcombe Malton Foods has closed its Motcombe site, which it bought from Case & Sons in June. The Unigate subsidiary is to concentrate activities at Wiveliscombe, near Taunton. Slaughtering and cutting will be transferred to...

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    Public punch-ups don't help


    We've said it before, but it's worth repeating. A public punch-up between the major bacon suppliers will do nothing for consumer confidence and, in the long run, everyone will suffer. So it was encouraging, at the Danes' annual bash last weekend,...

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    Malton to close Ahoghill


    Unigate arm Malton Foods has announced the closure of its Ahoghill butchery and curing plant in early June. The previously announced closure of its bacon slicing and packing facility at Enniskillen has come forward to March 10. Some 300 jobs are at...

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    Dull' presentation of bacon blasted by DMB


    Retailers came under fire from the Dutch Meat Board this week for "not communicating positive images of the product instore." The allegation came in the DMB's annual market review which declared: "For too long, the retailer has largely ignored the...

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    Deal excites new interest in Malton


    Clive Beddall Speculation that the Danes were preparing to make Unigate "an offer it can't refuse" for its Malton Bacon Co subsidiary was sweeping the European pigmeat sector as The Grocer went to press. Suggestions that the "jewel in the crown of...

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    danish bacon goes down under


    After years of accelerating consolidation in the Danish pig industry, just three producer co-ops remain: the giant Danish Crown, mid-range Steff Houlberg; and small Jutland specialist Tican. "We can respond rapidly to changes in the market," md Ove...

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    welcome beef ally


    The UK beef industry has some unexpected friends: Isabelle Guillot d'Hauterives is a French vegetarian who markets her partner's Highland beef. This particular shaggy cattle success story started in a Perth farmers' market, where their range of...

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    In a stew over shelved British beef


    Sir; I wish to take umbrage about a story on beef exports to Holland (The Grocer, January 15, p14). The fourth paragraph refers to "the fight to return British beef to supermarket shelves on the continent". This phrase crops up in nearly every...

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    Motoring ahead


    What's the story behind Tesco's rising interest in forecourt stores? Camilla Palmer reports The race to capture consumers while they fill up their cars with fuel, or snap up a paper, chocolate bar and a pork pie, has suddenly got faster with the...

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    A £1m TV campaign promoting pork began on Tuesday, launched by the MLC to "remind people what a wonderful meal pork can provide" and to boost demand for chops and steaks as midweek family meals. These cuts have recently failed to match the...

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    Good idea, unfortunate timing


    Sir; re Opinion, The Grocer, Jan 8. I read with interest your editorial comment recently regarding the gradual decline in the purchase of bacon in the UK and how this decline was affecting British, Dutch and Danish producers. I also noted your...

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    BEW: fast frozen success


    Believed to be the biggest distribution centre of its kind in the UK, Hams Hall is cutting costs and offering flexibility to retailers large and small Birds Eye Wall's says its Hams Hall national distribution centre near Birmingham has brought a...

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    Argentinian beef selling at 30% discount at Smithfield Wooler spotlight on British beef breeds Key focus of the National Beef Association's Beef 2002 event at Wooler this week was restoring the flagging fortunes of the beef production sector by...

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    Scots remain very worried by downtrend Pressure on beef processors in Scotland appears to be easing somewhat as the differential between cattle markets there and south of the border continues to narrow. R3 and R4 steers are now selling at only...

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    Cyclical downturn begins as EC reports June census Cattle numbers start to decline Beef production in the EU is beginning a cyclical downturn. Cattle numbers have started falling in some of the most important breeding regions, and meat output this...

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    Maintaining that premium Uncertainty in the beef market can be attributed mainly to subsidy reform orginally greeted by most retailers and some processors as a welcome move towards more realistic prices. Instead, as the first elements of the EU's...

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    Startling supply contrast between UK and the continent UK beef output falls but consumption up Multiples and their major suppliers are coming under increasing political pressure to source meat from home producers, but it becomes harder to...

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    Policy reversal part of emergency aid package Brown keeps calf cull scheme Mike Ingham Floods of cheap manufacturing beef as waste product' from the dairy industry appear less likely following a U-turn by Agriculture Minister Nick Brown over the...

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    Riverside Evesham looks to boost supplier confidence Ready meals buoy up trade Surprising stability is developing in parts of the forequarter beef trade, among the best evidence so far being the keenness of executives at M&S ready meal supplier...

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    National Beef Association wants to encourage a barricade against imports' Producers put cash into fast finishing systems More cheap beef for further-processors and product manufacturers is on the way as British farmers begin to invest in fast...